12.04.2019 - 22:13 Bit of a blast from the past but around 2016 when I had done a lot of work on this map and tried to post it everything became glitched and I could never open it again. Ivan & Amok promised to fix it but they probably never even tried, as soon as I asked Dave he instantly fixed it however a lot of the map was glitched(missing borders, countries that werent suppose to be there...etc) So I decided that I would just rework the whole map from scratch again, So far I've only completed Europe+ as that is the most played region anyway. So without further ado... ![]() The Premise of this map is that it is based at the beginning of the great war. I've primarily built it similar to the standard world map in hopes of creating a new and regular competitive map. A scenario similar to GGG/Ultimate WW2 may be on the horizons when the map is completely finished. ![]() You can find the map under the name "Origins"
---- Lest we forget Moja Bosna Ponosna
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12.04.2019 - 22:38
Just got into a game, Montenegro I think, and it is called New Country. Also I believe Finland should be renamed to Russia: Finland since the Russian Empire controlled Finland, and also you should fix Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan and give them Russia: South and Ottoman Empire since they controlled those countries before ww1
---- Not a good player
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12.04.2019 - 23:39
I had fixed the issue with Montenegro and with the Russian Empire I mostly just condensed their borders for convenience sack. I don't think I'd have to go to the lengths to label each area as Russia. This isn't a ww1 map(read the description up top) and even if it was the Caucasus was not under Ottoman control in this period.
---- Lest we forget Moja Bosna Ponosna
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13.04.2019 - 01:42
I know this isnt ww1 but a area of Armenia was controlled by the Ottomans, but Maybe replace the Air Transport with Zeppelin Transport(Since there's a Zeppelin Gunship). Okay I understand the part where you need to save time. But the part where you said " I may consider a ggg/ultimate ww2 styled scenario" This could be very interesting to play one day
---- Not a good player
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17.04.2019 - 04:16
I have taken the map down to do work on Northern Africa, the levant and central asia. The map itself isn't in much of an interesting/playable state currently so I'm sure its fine if i unpublish it for a bit to work on it. This post was more meant as a sneak peak into something to come since I see a lot of people saying no new maps/scenarios are being made(even though this isnt entirely new). Cheers!
---- Lest we forget Moja Bosna Ponosna
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12.07.2019 - 20:13
You should end this, have the potential to be the GGG/Ultimate WWII hybrid most users like me want lol.
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13.07.2019 - 07:04
he cant do it if hes banned D
---- ![]()
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24.07.2019 - 23:26
You need to add trenches, nukes, and triple the income of all countries
---- Happiness = reality - expectations
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25.07.2019 - 14:04
and extra 500 reinf per province
---- Orcs are a horde, much like Turks. Elves and Men are light skinned, Orcs are often darker/sallow skinned, like Turks. Istanbul?Thats not how you pronounce Constantinople ![]()
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26.07.2019 - 09:43
he was being sarcastic (i think) (i hope) but do add special units for some countries, like give russia ukraine and kazakstan cossacs cavalry, hungary can have hussars, prussia could have the sturmtrooper unit.
---- ''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies'' ~Napoleon ![]()
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29.07.2019 - 18:08
Massive update, More countries, more cities and rework of income and reinforcements. If it's all shit just let me know and Ill make changes.
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15.01.2020 - 09:16
Great map!! Should add buildings and more naval units ![]() I hope you don't give up on finishing it!
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04.02.2020 - 00:51
Thanks mate! the idea of this map in the end was simply to make a Standard map based in 1914 as an alternative to the world map. That meant It was to be as basic as the world map too so I didn't want to go crazy with unique units but I was open to adding a bunch more standard ones like maybe even land transports and so on. Now that I got access to my account again I'm trying to get map making another go but first i want to make a smallish map to brush up on the ol skills a bit before jumping back into massive projects like this, if you're ever open to giving me a hand just flick me a message bro and lastly keep producing the good content you have been as of late as there aren't many talented map makers such as yourself left I see.
---- Lest we forget Moja Bosna Ponosna
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08.02.2020 - 20:46
Unleashed's only claim to fame was cloning someone else's map. Here I have a map I've entirely drawn myself which might not be the greatest but it's more than what he can say that is for sure.
---- Lest we forget Moja Bosna Ponosna
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