16.12.2014 - 07:50
After a long time, i proudly present my first scenario. At first, special thanks to Aetius for providing me the base of the map and drawing the regions of north Germany. Also, special thanks to Pyrrhous for all his assistance in the making of the units especially, and in other matters concerning the realistic gameplay i wanted to give to this scenario map. Nowpresenting each side of the map separetely cause North fronts are different from the south. Playable fanctions: Axis side Finish Army Army Group North Army Group Centre Army Group South Hungarian Army Romanian Army Luftwaffe Soviet Side Lenningrad Front Central Front Southern Front Black Sea Front Soviet Airforce North side of the map ![]() At the north side of the map we have the leningrad front and some regions of the Central front that rae facing the Finish Army at the north and the german Army Group North. For obvious and historically correct reasons the capital of Leningrad front is Lenningrad itself.It's protected at the north from a line of defence against the finish army but from the south it's wide open which means that the player of Lenningrad has to defend against the Army Groups North or even push it back before cnocentrating to the Finsihotherwise he won't make it. South side of the map ![]() At the South, the Soviets have the purpose to delay at first the Germans until they can master many forces to stop them before they reach Kharkiv.The Kiev defence line represents the real defence line the Soviets had in the area.It's up to the axis players of Romania, Hungary and Army Group South on how they will manage to take it with the less possible losses.Crimea will be hard to take from the Soviets and it's the job of Army Group South to do so.Without it the Germans won't be able to push the Soviets behind Donets river and push in the caucasus meaning that in the long term they will be overrun. Specail features Luftwaffe and Soviet Airforce players. I decided that Airforce had to be diverted in 2 different players of it's side. Both airforces can't help everywhere at this huge front.Their forces have as first priority to destroy the enemy airforce and then provide support to the allied ground troops.Also support has to be given at the first priority moves of the ground forces or it's a serious wase of planes and manpower of the ground forces.All this means that the Airforces players are responsible for the win or defeat of it's team.So take those fanctiona Seriously. Both Airforces can field those type of planes. Interceptors:Units with this mean they have more attack than defence and are for intercepting other planes.Special bonus against bombers is provided. Escorts: Units with this tag are for defence against the enemy's interceptors. Bombers:There are to types of bombers.The close air support and the strategic ones.Close air support are for example the Ju 87 stukas at the german side with bonuses against infantry and tanks Strategic bombers are used for strategic bombing.A too high collateral is given so that the city/base that is striked by those has it's reinforcements lessened. Avoid being hit by those at any cost in crucial cities/bases. Tanks here where made as an "other" unit type. We had to make them stronger in order to make PD infentry spam here useless for both sides.Soviets at the early stages of the scenario field infantry units with _1 defence than normal, after some turns they get at the most regions, not at all of them, normal infantry units.German tanks are better than the Soviet tanks.Both sides have their tank units evolve througout the game with the german tnaks being better but more costly than those of the soviets but the soviets have cheaper and thus they can produce more than germans and it's allies.Also Soviet tanks have bonuses against older German tanks. Close airsuport aircrafts have bonuses against tanks for both sides and both sides can field A/T guns that can succesfully nulify the enemy tanks. Be advised that unprotected A/T units can easily be killed. Transport divisions In this map both sides lack sea transports as non realistic and also Air Transports for the same reasons.Objections on that matter won't be accepted. However, due to the large scale of the map, ranges of the units is increased and there is a Transport Division unit that can be made everywhere for both sides in which you load up the ground units and transport them further on the map. Soviet Supply Routes ![]() Supply routes had to be added in order to make the Soviet power increase at time to time.That serves realistic purposes over this map cause soviets at the beggining where weaker comparing to the Axis forcers invading them.Every reinfs turn there's a -900 income for the 3 main soviet players but after turn 25 there won't be any more decreasing through supplies and soviets get to full economic power. Conscerning the Army Group South regions: I'm well aware that Bulgaria didn't take part at the Eastern Front campaign but for balancing reasons i had to add the to the Army Group South and make thus make them invadable from the soviets. Balancing the map It is counted that with the axis at a front from outside the Lenningrad at a line that extends from Lenningrad to regions at front of Moscow and then down to the line of Donets river, Soviets still outnumber the Axis in terms of finance and reinforcements making their counterattack and victory possible. Enjoy!
---- Officer asked the Great Alexander: You gave everything,what did you kept for yourself? GA: "I kept hope for myself "
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19.12.2014 - 05:15
I like this idea, although I'm not sold on the idea of giving the Soviets so much income. Perhaps it would be better to drastically cut Soviet income? Let them make up for it with militia/infantry spam from their rather high reinforcements. After all, one of the reasons the Soviets lost 20 million men in the front lines is because they had to make up for just about everything with more manpower.
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Rankist Sharck Cont șters |
20.12.2014 - 08:14 Rankist Sharck Cont șters Those men were all conscripted. Either make the units cheap, or add income. The income choice was chosen so yeah
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22.12.2014 - 15:27 ![]()
---- Laochra¹: i pray to the great zizou, that my tb stops the airtrans of the yellow infidel ![]()
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Soldier001 Cont șters |
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