29.03.2016 - 09:47
It's 1 unit.................................................................................................................................................................................... You kill it, it's dead, advantage gone.... other than strats. the other upgrades are all better, granted we all have access to them, they're still pretty much all better than the general upgrade.
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29.03.2016 - 09:54
I understand that, I'm attacking the fallacy of that kind of thinking. If we got nothing for paying, nobody would pay, we wouldn't have an atwar, how would they fund the upkeep of the servers? I lose to free players all the time, I paid the money, I still die. proof of concept, game is not pay 2 win. ![]()
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29.03.2016 - 09:54
If you read my post, you would see that I indeed understand all that. I'm just saying, even that tiny bonus looks like too much when it's stacked on top of everything else.
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29.03.2016 - 10:10
Sorry, I missed it, my point is that even though it may look like a lot to free players, but ultimately it's really not as big of an advantage as the strats, with or without the general. AND you still need to get halfway through rank 10 to max out upgrades including general upgrades.
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29.03.2016 - 10:55
Only gen is op ![]()
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29.03.2016 - 11:11
![]() ![]() ![]() The General is useful, and is bit OP, but a good; incentive-to-buy-premium type OP. I've never gotten a rare unit ever. Not as a non-premiums, and not as a premium either. So yes, I agree that chance of rare should be given a slight boost, but not as much as 75% And, if there were no advantages/perks to being premium, there'd be no point in spending 40$ for no reason. I can't wait for map editor ![]()
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29.03.2016 - 11:13
If you want fair play vs premiums, simple. As for no upgrade duel or ask the competitive prem player to suicide their general. A lot of them will take you up on that offer and show that their skill > your whine
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29.03.2016 - 12:34
you're right I did, that's a good point as well
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30.03.2016 - 01:22
one is the tank crit which is a measely +1 crit and the general reinforcement that give you +1 rein every 4 turn or rein turn.
---- Hi
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30.03.2016 - 02:15
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30.03.2016 - 11:27
Your both forgot that non-prem cant buy General upgrades ... Technically they're giving an useless unit for non-prem.
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30.03.2016 - 14:51
This vote has proven nothing, and I feel sad for the person that wasted their PC to promote this thread. On atWar you will get a biased opinion majority of the time. Players stating that premium is fair are partly correct, General is not (fact not really an opinion since anything that improves gameplay/gives advantage is unfair). While players stating it is unfair are also wrong since what about making a map, or being able to host games of 20 players (for $40) is unfair? Only thing that is unfair is general, was a simple answer - the vote does not put an end to the speculation since there will always be stubborn people, but the players that actually take a second to comprehend it logically will come to the same conclusion as I have (as have others). As stated it is a FACT that general gives you an advantage over non-premium players, but that does not conclude that all of premium is unfair. Just because the majority votes that all of premium is unfair, does NOT make them correct, as that is only an opinion.
---- Be Humble
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30.03.2016 - 15:13
I did, you're welcome.
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31.03.2016 - 09:32
This ![]()
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31.03.2016 - 09:39
The general is not THAT op. Does it tip an even match to the side of a premium player, sure? But that's assuming it was an even match to begin with. Pay to win would be if premium players got extra units for every city, or buildable units not available to free players that shit on the normal units. Pay to win implies that the lower level players can beat the higher level players with a little bit of cash. This is not, and based on the admins, will never be that. This is a game where you get a couple of perks for paying, but most of what you get is available for free.
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31.03.2016 - 09:48
Agreed. A General affects only a single stack. If it was pay to win, it would have affected all the player's units, and been extremely powerful on its own. Rares don't become common for premiums, nor do non-premiums get reduced attack/defence/HP against premiums. It's pretty fair. Plus, if it was actually pay to win, premium players wouldn't lose at all to non-premiums, but as is seen, they do.
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31.03.2016 - 10:08
It's impossible for that match to be even to being with. Since Turn 1 by just possessing the movement range you've already got a door open to multiple efficient expansions that are out of the hand for any non-premium player. Taking a few expansions for the 3vs3 metagame for example, you can't stack 52 PD units as UK or rush Rome with 60+ IMP units as Turkey, both on Turn 1, without premium. By underestimating the power of one single stack you make it look like the type of person who would leave his capital widely open to the enemy. The truth is, that some stacks are more valuable than others. In fact, you could hit the same place as a player with general with 10 more infantries than him ![]() ![]() and still lose.
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31.03.2016 - 10:12
2 air transports to carry 35 units + general?? Either they received a boost, or that's an incredibly efficient use of them lol ![]()
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31.03.2016 - 10:32
Most of the high ranks threat every stack at their minimal level to construct an adequate stack for the task. When mixing stacks of troops we take note of concepts such as # of units, attacking power and the most important, range left. This way of looking at the game gives us a situation where every unit is useful. If possible we avoid wasting range when taking cities. It increases the efficiency and allow us to perform a great variety of tricks... Anyway I'll leave the explanation of micromanagement for another time. But are mostly high ranks the ones who knows how to give the 101% of every unit and stack. Most of the rangetricks revolves around the General: Movement upgrade though (which is the most expensive general upgrade for a reason). We know how to do things.
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31.03.2016 - 10:36
I've seen youtube videos. You guys somehow know exactly how much range is left without toggling the range button. They made me feel...inadequate ![]() But joking aside, you guys are seriously good at predicting moves and stuff. Is it just lengthy experience (which I lack), or are there some rules of thumb to know this stuff?
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31.03.2016 - 10:48
Both.... Micromanagement and Prioritization are perhaps the two hardest concepts to learn with. They're also the ones to master for the players who plays the game in a competitive manner. I wrote several examples of gameplays in my guide about defensive and offensive gameplay, in an attempt to teach better the logical thinking of troops... though most of the people says theses concepts can't be learned but by playing game after game.... I'll leave the link in case is useful: http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=22473 But the explanations just concord with what several people have said here: General is definitively important for a player that strives to be competitive.
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31.03.2016 - 11:11
What I meant by "even match is if you both played level 0 guest accounts w/o upgrades or generals, you'd be even. Your are explaining the "slight" advantage I mentioned in the post that comment accompanied.
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31.03.2016 - 11:38
Why can't we just add some ads onto AtWar so that the devs would get their pay and all the players would have access to the same game features?
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31.03.2016 - 11:43
THAT SS SHOWS NOTHING. You could be pd,he could be imp. You could be IF,he could be pd/imp. You could be lb,and he could be pd/imp.
---- "****swans is just torturing me like when uou caugh an insect *when you caught an insect and starts to pull out from him their body parts****" - IHY
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31.03.2016 - 11:46
Okay, let's just keep clear that no match can be even between prem and non-prem players.
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31.03.2016 - 11:47
Both were PD. Ask Gogok or Ghost if you think is fake, or do the test.
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31.03.2016 - 12:31
Are you crazy? There are competitions for 50$ worth of protocoins (enough to buy lifetime premium and still have 1001 coins left over) and lifetime premium giveaways. Compete in those. One of the best features of atWar is no ads. Other F2P games have so many ads and videos pop up every few seconds. Can you imagine an ad popping up in the middle of a turn in a 2 min or 3 min game? Watching a video before every game? I bought premium for the map editor mainly. I'd buy premium just to get rid of the freaking ads. I've quit many games cuz the ads got too irritating. I'd hate to have to do that to atWar cuz I'm addicted to it, and I hear rehab is not so good.
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31.03.2016 - 12:34
I've read that already ![]() However atWar and it's mechanics is an easy game to learn. Applying those mechanics and mastering it is much much harder. Kind of like chess (the game not the mod ![]()
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