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01.05.2017 - 06:19
---- I demolish my bridges behind me...then there is no choice but to move forward
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01.05.2017 - 06:52
Hi I am Nero
---- Laochra¹: i pray to the great zizou, that my tb stops the airtrans of the yellow infidel
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01.05.2017 - 07:35
And why you say this
---- The enemy is in front of us, the enemy is behind us, the enemy is to the right and left of us. They cant get away this time! - General Douglas Mcarthur
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01.05.2017 - 07:37
Huh? Italy rocks!
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people.
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01.05.2017 - 08:00
Let me guess, you made or joined a 3v3, people picked Ukraine/Turkey/Germany/UK as first. Then the 2 people who still have to choose thought : ''Ohnoo, I have to play shitty spain or france'', someone picked France or Spain, and you decided to pick or Italy or Poland (idk if it was this choosing order but you get the point) and people starting complaining ''troll'' ''Omg stop ruining 3v3's'' ''[gl] ..... : Remake join 3v3, no trolls allowed'' ?? I must be close with one of those scenarios above. People need to get out of their fucking convert zone and stop focusing on 6 individual fucking countries, there are enough other countries just as fine to play with, some have low starters reinfs, but hella lot money, some the other way around. I'd say those people who complain about random picks or kick you, just put them on banlists, ban them from 3v3's, ban them from cw's ban them from the competitive scene, because its those who complain about picks, about strategies, about gameplay, are the ones who fucking ruin this whole community and led us to where we are now. Learn to fucking play or gtfo. Thanks
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01.05.2017 - 08:01
Yeah sure, but must be rank qualified FOR EACH COUNTRY or else kick and ban, right?
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01.05.2017 - 08:07
What? No one bans people for being too low rank, yes they kick but if the low rank has proven itself in games before it can stay and there are even low ranks games.
---- Someone Better Than You
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01.05.2017 - 09:23
Do you remember who was DS Italy when I took this picture...
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01.05.2017 - 09:24
Oh please, stfu already
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01.05.2017 - 09:33
Found the noob that picks italy. Wanna duel me versus your italy so I can have another recording of you playing like a complete idiot?
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01.05.2017 - 09:36
Clovis give it up, you lost to fournic's DS ukr. DS is OP and it needs to be nerfed
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01.05.2017 - 09:51
"I believe Italy is a bad pick in 3v3. Therefore I'll beat Italy in a duel to prove I'm right." I've noticed this a thousand times in forums with you but winning against someone in a duel doesn't prove you right unless the issue is which one of you is better at duels.
---- Someone Better Than You
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01.05.2017 - 09:54
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01.05.2017 - 09:55
nvm it, was kinda done with your shitty attitude and had a whole rant, but not gonna waste my time discussing with people who dont deserve my time . Do whatever you want to and record whatever you need to. I hope you will enjoy the jerking off while watching it.
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01.05.2017 - 10:01
Nah its that competitive scene ego, aslong as people reach rank 8 or 9 and they think they belong to the bigboys now, makes them think they can just talk shit about everything they dont know of. Which gives us people like him. Ofcourse being in a top clan makes his ego stimulation even worse.
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01.05.2017 - 10:02
xaxaxaxa, thanks <3, and nah, but I was mainly talking about the people who I actually witnessed changing. I dont know much about you on that field haha But I will change the wise <33 xaxa
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01.05.2017 - 10:16
Well, you definatelly changed all the "wise"! Regarding me, I've evolved into an even worse comedian
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people.
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01.05.2017 - 10:24
I feel like I'm changing too... my evil new clan is trying to corrupt me into playing EU D'X
---- Someone Better Than You
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01.05.2017 - 10:25
xaxaxa ily Wished this game had more ppl like u xaxa
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01.05.2017 - 10:30
This thread has appeared in various incarnations every 6 months over the past 5 years and each time someone has posted waffels response in some form.
You've noticed it with him? I've noticed it much more prominently with a certain someone else...
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01.05.2017 - 10:34
OMFG, we can't allow this to happen, call all the authorities! We need sp police intervention here, it's urgent! We are loosing a scenario player here!! I'll be there if you need back up!
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people.
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01.05.2017 - 10:36
Oh, but would you look at the time?? It's time to d-d-d-d-d-duel!!
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people.
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01.05.2017 - 10:39
Yes I have seen noobs complaining about Poland or Italy,they haven't been playing enough to remember RNW or Sweden being the meta
---- ''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies'' ~Napoleon
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01.05.2017 - 10:40
Don't forget about Russia Volga or even some Greece!
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people.
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01.05.2017 - 11:11
Yes, I sit naked while watching my recordings and fapping off to people losing. You dont deserve my time noob. Get good.
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