18.07.2018 - 09:12
Picks: Basilisk Islands, Summer islands(Koj), Iron Islands(Pyke Great, Great Wyk) || Tactic: Guerlia Warfare, Naval Commander || if someone askes remember to say Pirate Invasion if they say "You are joking!" You say no Im not. || Strategy For Summer Islands And Basilisk Isles: Lets imagine that you join a game where is 15 players and every thing else is picked expect summer islands or basilisk isles well its your lucky day you are going to be the Pirate King Fear Of The Seven Seas, The Barrellrider The Raven Master And The Most Importantly The most annoing guy to Valyria. I suggest Taking Basilisk Isles because there is stealth ships and this strategy is not about force its about spamming stealth ships and corsairs(Jack Sparrows) So when you have about 20 stealth corsair you start to plan for attack agains The Dragonlords, The Enemy Of Yours Bring the stealth units close to Capital Of The Dragonlords, The Enemy Of Yours Also but troops to 2 other islands so you get the dragons 2 stealth per 2 islands and the rest to main and but the ships towars main land so you may kill up coming enemy ships after taking the Capital Of The Dragonlords, The Enemy Of Yours now you just wait until theres troops coming next turn then you want attack. || After Attack: Buy dragons from all islands Now you may chat and Say "PIRAATEE KINGGG HAS DRAAAGGONS!" "PIRATE KING IS UNBEATABLE!", "DRAGGONS WILL NOW COME AND EAT YOU", "MIGHTY DRAGONS JOINED INTO MY SUPERSECRED PIRATE GANG!", "I GOT YOUR CAPITAL NOW YOU WILL DIE IN 2 TURNS oh shit, Game is set to all cityes." Put all dragons Back to hes capital when hes dragons come you may slay Then You Can say "THE PIRATE KING IS NOW THE DRAGON SLAYER PIRATE KING OF THE VALYRIA". || Other Tactic If attack fails: Well really it can almost only fail if you join in late game so you join in late game Start as basilisk isles or Koj You tryed to take valyria but failed now you must leave but you have many left over like 60 corsails and many stealth ship so head to east there is jade shores take the guy out who ever is there if mutiple try to ally the other and take the other out you land your ships to islands and corner island and everything free before attacking then you wanna use your stelth units like crazily good take capital first you may get the other guy in your side by saying couple words to him together you can take him out if not other guy just go to north with your stealth troops only and crap land there should be many defenders take land and wait for counter attack also the dragons guy might be coming so take jhogwin mauntains buy jhogwins and kill as many troops you can in defense dont attack yeat to jade shore attack only to weak spots and spam archers so when he treyes to take he wont get troops and archers take many toops out Also conquer ib you get good and cheap troops there while he keeps aatacking you might lose some land BUT buy 20 jhog wins and attack there where he is not."If hes weak in front" just target island capitals first then move to mainland. And the whole time you can shout how you have outsmarted the smart normal people You can also say this if you have those jack sparrow soldiers still left... "This is the day you will always remember as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow" || This strategy is only for fun it is not meaned to win the game expect if you can take valyria then but fun is the most important thing! Best Pirate Gangs: SOMALII PIRATES || Best Settings: 2 Picks, 50K And All Cityes ||
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