Cumpără premium pentru a scăpa de reclame
Postări: 7   Vizitat de: 54 users
10.11.2012 - 22:16
Simple. Allow people to change their strategies in-game.

This way, if you mess up in the beginning and accidentally click the wrong one and the game starts before you realize what you did, you can just change it again. OR if you start losing, you can change your strategy to better suit how you feel you need to play.

Limit how many times you can change per game to 3 or so.
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11.11.2012 - 00:50
>picks imperialist
>spam units
> changes to blitz
> rush enemy capital
> changes to iron first
Nothing to impede progress. If you want to see the fate of democracies, look out the windows.
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11.11.2012 - 01:13
Yeah exactly.. unless certain units are locked into their original strat... which is getting super complicated. I had the same idea actually, but no chance, not gonna happen.
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11.11.2012 - 12:30
Not even a once-per-game change?
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11.11.2012 - 14:04
I suggested this once with my main account. I got many "This can be abused" posts in that thread. I suggested a 1-2 week limit so you can change it. No one else replied after that.
Lil D has now become Deray of YGMG Here!
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11.11.2012 - 14:04
Scris de Sex Cannon, 11.11.2012 at 12:30

Not even a once-per-game change?

Certain people can find out how to mod this (hdrakon) and use it to their advantage.
Lil D has now become Deray of YGMG Here!
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11.11.2012 - 17:14
Cont șters
That would still be op. Picking imp and then changing to IF etc, maybe a reset turn button? (You can change your strat when reseting.)
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