12.01.2019 - 14:27
I'm adding new feature for the toolkit check here for more info https://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=39839. If anyone is willing to help please answer the below questions. Assuming there are no generals, upgrades, strategies, critical and the rolls are always the max. Please show me the detailed fights for below battles where you explain the order with percentages, and how the hp works. 1. Player A (4 tanks, 2 infantry) attacks Player B (1 tank, 3 infantry) 2. Player A (4 tanks, 2 infantry) attacks Player B (1 tank, 3 infantry) and so does the Player B (they attack each other) 3. Player A (4 tanks, 2 infantry) attacks Player B (1 tank, 3 infantry), player C (2 tanks, 2 infantry) also attacks Player B. Player A and C don't have peace and they are not allies. 4. Player A (4 tanks, 2 infantry) attacks Player B (1 tank, 3 infantry), player C (2 tanks, 2 infantry) also attacks Player B. Player A and C have peace. Player A (4 tanks, 2 infantry) attacks Player B (1 tank, 3 infantry), player C (2 tanks, 2 infantry) also attacks Player B. Player A and C are allies. I can imagine so many more combinations like 4vs1 where no one has any relation with anyone or where it's again 4v1 but two of them are allies, 1 in peace and the other 1 alone but I guess it will all be done at some point, I just want to make a basic simulator for now.
---- "I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion." - Alexander the Great
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13.01.2019 - 14:50
This will be a lot of writing and might look a bit confusing. Take your time to understand it, and trust me, it's not as hard as it looks. Hope it will help you to understand how the battle system works. As you probably now, damage goes over to the next unit that will be in line. 8 dmg kills a unit with 7 HP and deals 1 dmg to the next unit, sending it into its battle with 6 HP remaining. (special case when the remaining dmg is as high as the HP of the weakest defending unit, then outright killing that one instead (same goes for the attacker when fighting a unit with super high DEF, but this is usually pretty rare, especially if you aren't playing on a custom map)) One point players seem to overlook is that damage to HP is not saved after battle. If a unit survives with 1 HP it will have 7 HP in the next battle! Player - "A", "B", "C" Tanks ("T") - ATK 8 / DEF 4 / HP 7 Infantry ("I") - ATK 4 / DEF 6 / HP 7 Number after the unit indicates the unit in the stack: AT1 is the first fighting tank of Player A, BI2 is the second Infantry in the stack owned by Player B. Attacking and defending unit both deal max damage to each other, that was your scenario. As per usual highest ATK attacks first in stack, highest DEF defends first in a stack. (usually meaning all Infantry gets killed and the tanks last, when defending) So let's get into it... 1. AT1 8 dmg -> BI1 6 dmg / AT1 has 1 HP left, BI1 is dead and BI2 took the remaining 1 point of damage and has 6 HP left AT1 8 dmg -> BI2 6 dmg / AT1 dead, AT2 took the remaining 5 points of dmg and has 2 HP left, BI2 is dead, BI3 has 5 HP left AT2 8 dmg -> BI3 6 dmg / AT2 is dead, AT3 has 3 HP left, BI3 is dead, the remaining tank took the remaining 3 points of damage and has 4 HP left AT3 8 dmg -> BT1 4 dmg / AT3 is dead, AT4 has 6 HP. BT1 is down. Player A wins with his fourth Tank (going into the next battle with 7 HP again, as usually) and his two Infantry left. If AT3 and BT1 were the only units left by both players, Player B would have won with his only tank remaining, because the last units eliminated each other simultaneously - and in a draw, the defender wins. 2. Player starting in the attack probably randomly determined, so let's say Player A goes first with attacking: AT1 8 dmg -> BI1 6 dmg / AT1 has 1 HP left, BI1 is dead and BI2 took the remaining 1 point of damage and has 6 HP left (as usual, but bc both players attacked each other simultaneously they now switch turns in being in DEF/ATK) BT1 8 dmg -> AI1 6 dmg / BT1 has 1 HP left. AI1 is dead and AI2 has 6 HP left. AT1 8 dmg -> BI2 6 dmg / AT1 dead, AT2 2 HP left. BI2 dead, BI3 5 HP left. BT1 8 dmg -> AI2 6 dmg / BT1 dead, BT2 2 HP left. AI2 dead, AI3 5 HP left. AT2 8 dmg -> BI3 6 dmg / AT2 dead, AT3 3 HP left. BI3 dead. Player A wins with 2 Tanks and 2 Infantry left. 3. Even if C only attacked B, all three of them are in the same battle. They take turns in attacking each other equally and defending of course. Who starts attacking/defending against whom seems to be determined more or less randomly again. So... A -> B C- > A B -> A B -> C A -> C C -> B One full cycle, it will then repeat. As can be seen in the example, one side often tends to attack/defend twice in a row. This can often be to your ruin - or advantage. 4. I never noticed a difference between a truce and an alliance in the battle behavior. Regardless, this is my favorite type of battle - attacking an enemy with an ally saves both of you a lot of units and can deal devastating damage, especially if you have high ATK units with low HP. To summarize the unit strengths here: AT1 AT2 AT3 AT4 AI1 Ai2 and CT1 CT2 CI1 CI2 against BT1 BI1 BI2 BI3 So this goes as follows... (assuming Player A will be the first to attack again) AT1 8 dmg -> BI1 6 dmg / AT1 has 1 HP left, BI1 is dead, BI2 has 6 HP left. CT1 8 dmg -> BI2 6 dmg / CT1 has 1 HP left, BI2 is dead, BI3 has 5 HP left. AT1 8 dmg -> BI3 6 dmg / AT1 dead, AT2 has 2 HP left, BI3 is dead, BT1 has 4 HP left. CT1 8 dmg -> BT1 4 dmg / CT1 is dead, CT2 has 4 HP left, BT1 is dead. In this scenario Player A & C both lost 1 Tank, while Player B lost 3 Infantry and 1 Tank. Hope this little guide helped you understand how combat works. If you don't understand something or need more info, let me know! Cheers, Zoy
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14.01.2019 - 03:38
Thank you, this will help to start making the first version, you can test it later and give me feedback
---- "I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion." - Alexander the Great
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15.01.2019 - 14:32
---- "I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion." - Alexander the Great
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02.03.2019 - 01:06
---- ![]() ![]()
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19.03.2019 - 04:40
Don't forget about stacking bonus, actually clovis already did it and he understands battle mechanics well so I more or less trust his calculator.With enough experience you can assume chances well enough anyways
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