16.12.2014 - 21:09 ![]() Clan War Report: evoL vs Mortal Kombat: An unusual 1vs1 CW. 1/12/14 We are back, once again. The new season started 16 days ago, with the new addition of 30 max Clan Wars. We've saw very interesting and fast-paced events, tons of actions and clan wars that promises (once again) this season to be the best of all ones. Talking about Clan Wars, we've saw SM having a fantastic 15-win-steak in the first 4 days of the season. Illyria and Syndicate had very good start as well. Cosa Nostra archive the 30 games limit very quickly, taking advantage over other clans. But eventuallly Cosa Nostra falls, leaving up the scenario for the currently two clans of the season: Illyria and Syndicate. ![]() Illyria and Syndicate. Date: 16/12/2014 This is a small resume of the top 3 events that had happened from the start of the season: - 30 max Clan Wars and PREMIUM discount. - El Creyente!Xx. 's nomination for last PoTM awars, and the creation of PoTS. - The rise (and fall) of Cosa Nostra. And of course, the upcoming Super-SP week. Are you ready for Christmas? ![]() PREFACE Sorry for the delay, but better later than never!! If you have seen a 1vs1 CW in the past then this article wont be anything new for you. However if you have not then stay turned. Mauzer Panteri (MK) and Mr_Own_U (evoL) were fighting on a 1vs1 Clan War. As for the success, I've interviewed Mauzer Panteri, for his opinion: [pr] ●clovis1122: Mauzer Panteri: . [pr] Mauzer Panteri: o [pr] ●clovis1122: Mauzer Panteri: o [pr] ●clovis1122: Mauzer Panteri: can I ask something for my next article? [pr] ●clovis1122: Mauzer Panteri: is about your CW against MOU [pr] ●clovis1122: Mauzer Panteri: or you are in game [pr] Mauzer Panteri: was end of season and i was bored.... [pr] ●clovis1122: Mauzer Panteri: 6 days ago? [pr] ●clovis1122: Mauzer Panteri: well yeah, and how was it? [pr] ●clovis1122: Mauzer Panteri: why you accepted such 1vs1 CW? and Who purposed it [pr] Mauzer Panteri: only way to catch 1. place was to get 20 wins in row so we accepter every offer for cw [pr] ●clovis1122: Mauzer Panteri: so MOU purposed an 1vs1 clan war. [pr] ●clovis1122: Mauzer Panteri: was it fun? [pr] Mauzer Panteri: y y [pr] ●clovis1122: Mauzer Panteri: ok thanks. BATTLEFIELD Turn 1: The battle is set on a typical east scenario: Turkey VS Ukraine. Both players are strong at their respective picks. Without more delay, let's go to turn 2. Turn 2: ![]() Mauzer expand safe, while Mr_Own_U had an incredibly expansion, showing earlier the power of Sky Menace. I've asked some players about their thoughs: ![]() ![]() Turn 3: ![]() Expansion taker!!!! Mauzer stolen Moscow and Volgograd to MOU. However with the expansion though norway and sweden, MOU still have enough income for recover the game. Turn 4: ![]() MOU quickly recovers moscow, while mauzer fails at sweden. Both players keep expanding though countries. With the acquisition of Vienna and Budapest, MOU blocks mauzer's full control over Balkans. Turn 5: ![]() While mauzer takes denmark, MOU goes for berlin. The game seems to be in a status quo. Turn 6: ![]() Mauzer takes over small balkans zones, while MOU is starting to recover his lost territories. Mauzer keeps expanding, and research Netherlands. Turn 7: ![]() Vienna fall!!! Mauzer get stronger in the zone. MOU seems to pass to the offensive. As a sidenote, Mauzer is still expanding though benelux. The troop difference is now 42 between the two players. Turn 8: ![]() Minor charges compared to the last turn situation. Both players seems to be going at the defensive. Turn 9: ![]() Recovering the offensive in the reinforcements turn mauzer takes sweden, while MOU goes for southern russia. Even though we can see turkey overstacked, the troop difference is still around 32 units. Turn 10: ![]() With the second reinforcements wave, the troop difference has gotten obvious: Mauzer owns 91 more troops. as well as benelux. MOU captures italy. Turn 11: ![]() Mauzer extend though scandinavia and italy, this time taking out Rome and Helsinki from MOU's hands.The game is going to be a slow death. Turn 12: ![]() Mauzer add up poland, volga, and other minor countries in balkans to his collection. MOU try to push back by taking romania. Turn 13: ![]() Arriving up to the reinforcements week, Mauzer manages to add baltic and berlin to his empire. A weak MOU can be see trying to turn the game by recovering poland and taking serbia. Mauzer had managed to surrounded ukraine, from finland to volga. Turn 14: ![]() Well, we all knew the game was going to end soon. Using his overweight reinforcements mauzer overrun kiev, earning +134 SP by the move and going far by SP and Reinforcements. This is the end of the game. Conglatulation, Mortal Kombat!!! For the conclusion, let see an interview made to evoL leader, Mr_Own_U. [pr] ●clovis1122: ●Mr_Own_U: hey [pr] ●Mr_Own_U: hi [pr] ●clovis1122: ●Mr_Own_U: how much time till you go off? I'd like to interview you [pr] ●Mr_Own_U: Ive got a lot of time --------- 2 hours later ------ [pr] ●clovis1122: ●Mr_Own_U: hey [pr] ●Mr_Own_U: hi [pr] ●clovis1122: ●Mr_Own_U: do you have time? I'd like to ask you some questions [pr] ●Mr_Own_U: go for it [pr] ●clovis1122: ●Mr_Own_U: I wonder if you remember that 1vs1 CW you had with Mauzer Panteri, 12 days ago pr] ●Mr_Own_U: yeah [pr] ●clovis1122: ●Mr_Own_U: how was it? [pr] ●Mr_Own_U: Hard, cause it seemed like I was going really well, then mauzer suddenly destroyed me. [pr] ●Mr_Own_U: I dont remember that specifically. probably before reinf turn 9 [pr] ●Mr_Own_U: Spur of the moment [pr] ●clovis1122: ●Mr_Own_U: did your clan allowed you to play alone? [pr] ●Mr_Own_U: they didn't care. they think I can beat anyone.. With support like that, makes me motivated. [pr] ●clovis1122: ●Mr_Own_U: awesome friendship. By the way, how was the last season for evoL? [pr] ●clovis1122: ●Mr_Own_U: specially the lattest moments [pr] ●Mr_Own_U: Bad, cause I was inactive for the later month of the season. and when I returned we were on a pretty bad losing streak, that we couldnt get out of. [pr] ●clovis1122: ●Mr_Own_U: sad to hear. But evoL still managed to get some clan wars before the season end eh? [pr] ●Mr_Own_U: quite a few yeah [pr] ●clovis1122: ●Mr_Own_U: one last question. If you would have to rate the 1vs1 CW against mauzer between 0 (bored) and 10 (Awesome) which number would you choose and why? [pr] ●Mr_Own_U: 6.. never 1v1nd mauzer before. It felt like anyother game. I play ukr so often, it gets boring and I tend to risk a lot since I try new things. [pr] ●clovis1122: ●Mr_Own_U: Thanks for your time [pr] ●Mr_Own_U: np THE END .... or not? Question of the article: What do you guys think about 1vs1 clan wars? Hey! Just a fun quote: ![]()
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16.12.2014 - 21:17 ![]()
---- The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
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16.12.2014 - 21:37
I belive you had 1v1 cw against mou and whoever losses had to delete his account. I belive you lost but didnt keep your part of the deal. If you do it again pls lmk so i can get some popcorns and enjoy it
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16.12.2014 - 22:38
i believe this is not the place for your personal attacks and flamewars again ![]() How much more stupid and mentaly disabled can a smelly egghead albanian like you be, i wonder?
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16.12.2014 - 23:17
There it is the greek dog defending his mod. If acqui didnt reply himself why do you put your noise where it doesn't belong? Talking about smelly, the guy whos country budget probably cant even afford a shampoo
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17.12.2014 - 00:23
Good game Mauzer.. First time we ever 1v1nd hope it's not the last. You're one of the few players who actually has skill in the east.. Also grats on last season!
---- It's not the end. ![]()
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Rankist Sharck Cont șters |
17.12.2014 - 00:30 Rankist Sharck Cont șters
And all this time I was told that Mauzer was a bit noob.
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17.12.2014 - 02:37
I believe acqui d/c for 2 turns and mou said he didn't have to delete it. Get your facts right before you come on forums talking bullshit
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17.12.2014 - 07:16
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Rankist Sharck Cont șters |
17.12.2014 - 07:21 Rankist Sharck Cont șters I'm behind the Aussie here
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17.12.2014 - 07:24
Well you would be above me speaking technically.
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25.12.2014 - 02:27
It was terrible. the Corleone family were convicted in TheHauge of serious war crimes in Europe and now the whole family is serving many life sentences. Toto received 75 years detention, Luca Brasi got 90 years detention and Mickey got 120 years. Vito sold the family out for a lifetime of protection and freedom and his evidence was crucial in securing convictions. The rest of the clan fled and as far as I know other clans are now protecting them in places of non-extradition. ![]() Not really, Zone left because I was made leader to edit clan page bla and madara and dizabo followed. It was all very petty. Then the rest of the clan disbanded and went their separate ways. Currently my friend highlander is looking after things there until we decide what to do with it.
---- intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
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25.12.2014 - 07:57
I was looking for zone to write up what happened.... but nvm Sun Tsu already did it ![]()
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25.12.2014 - 11:22
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Death1812 Cont șters |
25.12.2014 - 11:40 Death1812 Cont șters
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25.12.2014 - 12:04
---- ![]() http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=14714&topicsearch=&page= ![]()
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25.12.2014 - 12:07
Or, Zone asked me if I wanted to make a new coalition and I said yes.
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25.12.2014 - 14:31
Or clan hop
---- It's not the end. ![]()
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25.12.2014 - 17:25
Ok ok, Leave cosa nostra die in peace already, I only wanted a briefly about what happened.... don't war here ):
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25.12.2014 - 17:30
xxaxaxaxaxaxa good one old man
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25.12.2014 - 18:16
Hello khalski
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26.12.2014 - 16:55
AtWar drama is OP... more gossip pls <3
---- intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
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