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Postat de KYBL, 11.01.2015 - 13:03
In light of Martell announcing that he is going to take down his RP map, it brings up another important issue, that of how much power a mapmaker should have.

Martell is taking down his map because his ban list is not being respected. The children who played his map would go to moderators because they think that their bans were "unfair" or "unjust" and the moderators would then step in and threaten Martell.

This is a disgusting abuse of moderator's powers. Moderators are here to enforce the AtWar basic rules so that AtWar can be a safe environment and free from spam and trolls. They are not here to regulate mapmakers. Mapmakers are the people who keep this game running, as without their maps, far less people would play AtWar. It is the hard work and creativity of the mapmakers that makes this game special. Moderators stepping in and regulating does not make the game any safer or better, it only causes mapmakers to close down their maps, feel bullied by "big government", and sometimes even flee from the game as the outcome of their hard work is not worth the effort.

Mapmakers should be able to ban people from their maps for whatever reason they want. If the mapmaker is truly abusing his power on banning people, the market will take its course, and the map will not be played as often as there are either too many bans or people do not think highly of the mapmaker. It is not like the maps made are the only ones available, all of them are easily substituted with another map of similar value. If you really think your ban was unjustified, go play another, similar map. The people bitching about being banned from Martell's map can easily go to Tempted's map. If they are banned from both, then my assumption would be that they truly deserved it.

Also, my map is my work and my property. Forcing me to allow people to use my map who I don't want is forcing me to work hard on creating these maps for certain people who I did not voluntarily agree to work for or suffer consequences, which is essentially slavery. You cannot force me to allow people to use my property.

Mapmakers, it's time to stand up for yourselves.

[EDITED BY CTHULHU]: Martell's thread has been deleted by Martell
22.01.2015 - 12:36
Scris de Guest, 22.01.2015 at 12:29
Who's your main?

what do you mean by main? Main account?

Only other account I've had is Prezident but I can no longer access it. Why do people keep asking me this? I guess I'm just so awesome every wants to think they know me

Seriously, 1v1 me and you can see how much more of a main account I have besides this one.
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22.01.2015 - 12:58
Scris de xHMGxParadox, 22.01.2015 at 12:16

Scris de Quantum027, 22.01.2015 at 11:21

How are the mods willing, please show me with quotes where the mods have been trying to give us freedoms on the ban list, they havent and you are completely bsing this thread by claiming that the mods are trying to do anything to benefit the map makers. The mods are not listening, they are hearing but they arent listening at all, they just read the posts and ignore it in their decisions, why do I think that? because nothing said here has changed anything for the mods, they still have this stubborn idea that map makers are all uneducated art noobs and they view us as less than dirt, so ofc i have no respect for them or their terrible management of the community.

"Player's Banlist
23.The mapmakers have the privilege to ban a player from playing on their map/scenario for breaking map/scenario rule's or leaving early in games that could potentially jeopardize the development of a game on their map/scenario; however, the mapmakers are not allowed to ban a player on a map/scenario for personal reasons or not describing the reasons for the ban. The mapmakers must provide proof, because players are assumed innocent until proven guilty. Any player can ban a player from joining the games they host for any reason.

- Players may ban other players from games they host for any reason.
- Map makers, when called upon, must justify the act of banning players from playing their maps/scenarios by including information/screen shots in the "Comments" spot on their ban lists."

I think you're proving the one(s) unwilling to compromise. If you really want to argue against this and ban a player on a map/scenario for personal reasons, IE "I DUN LIKE JOO CUZ JOO A FAGGUT", then it's hard to say you aren't just power-mongering. Also, you make bold claims about the mods and you generalize greatly. The reality is the mods, just as the map makers, are different people with different opinions and motives. That's the problem here. Yes, most map-makers are responsible, but there are still those who will abuse this power, and as stated previously it not only affects the player but the community. Even if not a single person did it now (which from what I gather several have), they will. Its a matter of time. You have to understand: It's part of being a MOD to have power. It comes with the word: To Moderate: To preside over. Them exercising this responsibility doesn't give everyone a free pass to do the same. Also, Columna Durruti (Sorry for butchering your name) and Pulse have responded directly to this issue, maybe more I don't care to scroll through and find. Get a hold of reality, dude. Just because people have a different opinion (and in my own opinion, a more sensible one) does not mean they hate you, or think you are a piece of shit, or are licking someone else's ass for brownie points.

But you'll probably ignore this like all the other posts (AKA COLUMNA DURRUTI'S ON PAGE 15 OR PULSE'S ON PAGE 14) that have made a modicum of sense and aren't just continual flaming crap. Honestly, it's over. The mod's dont agree with you, along with a fair portion of the general populace of AtWar. The Mod's have even managed to budge more than I honestly think they should have. Stop and think about who here is being modest and who isn't.

This rule was added AFTER this thread was posted. They literally edited this into the rules in order to advance their side of this argument. This rule was nonexistent a week ago.

It's like if I park my car, and while my car is parked, the government puts up a no-parking sign next to it, and then tickets you for it. That is what is going on here. There is no actual sense of justice among the mod's, they were fulfilling rules which didn't exist, and then created the rule out of thin air when they were called out on it.

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22.01.2015 - 13:32
Scris de KYBL, 22.01.2015 at 12:58

This rule was added AFTER this thread was posted. They literally edited this into the rules in order to advance their side of this argument. This rule was nonexistent a week ago.

It's like if I park my car, and while my car is parked, the government puts up a no-parking sign next to it, and then tickets you for it. That is what is going on here. There is no actual sense of justice among the mod's, they were fulfilling rules which didn't exist, and then created the rule out of thin air when they were called out on it.

Did...did you just...? *Sighs* I literally have spent more time on this thread than I want to, but from what I gather you have no idea what you are talking about. You share with me where the FUCK you're getting this information and I'll share my own:

Very united front you have there.

RIP 2nd map maker strike Jan 18th to Jan 21st. Had a good run that gave moderators a reason to close certain loop holes and bring Pulse's rules from his thread onto the official rules list. I want to thank you all for helping the moderators out.

My understanding is the rule was added on the 19th. I literally scrolled through both threads on the subject, and unless you show me explicitly where it's been stated or shown that they created the damn rules for the sake of justifying their actions. Obviously, it wasn't there before. Everyone knows that. Obviously, it was stated that because of this issue the rule has now been implemented. Nobody was punished, nobody got a fucking "ticket", bans were simply lifted and the rule was hammered out so the subject would be cleared and you could all stop bitching. I think it was supposed to go without saying that you shouldn't map-ban people for personal prejudices, but obviously since that wasn't a rule we can simply do as we please.

How bout this: We say you're right, ok? The Mods fucked up. So this means your arguement is literally because the Mods acted inappropriately in lifting bans, map-makers can ban anyone for any reason including "Your a bish"? If the Mods acted in the same way with dishing out bans as they see fit because it's "their Game/Forum", every single one of you would be banned because they dislike you/you make derogatory statements towards them/you're simply a faggot. Is this logic accurate?

This dedication to the cause and unwavering attitude is coming close to fanaticism as far as I can tell. I'll back out because this is obviously a pointless endeavor.
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22.01.2015 - 14:01
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22.01.2015 - 14:49
Scris de xHMGxParadox, 22.01.2015 at 13:32

How bout this: We say you're right, ok? The Mods fucked up. So this means your arguement is literally because the Mods acted inappropriately in lifting bans, map-makers can ban anyone for any reason including "Your a bish"? If the Mods acted in the same way with dishing out bans as they see fit because it's "their Game/Forum", every single one of you would be banned because they dislike you/you make derogatory statements towards them/you're simply a faggot. Is this logic accurate?

This dedication to the cause and unwavering attitude is coming close to fanaticism as far as I can tell. I'll back out because this is obviously a pointless endeavor.

Here is the problem, you think that the rule only affects map makers that break the rule? But it also
affects any map maker that had trolls in their list without screenshots.

Using your logic, mods should be require to provide screenshots before mutting/warning/banning and unban/unmute anyone that was banned without Ss.
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22.01.2015 - 15:15
Rankist Sharck
Cont șters
Scris de xHMGxParadox, 22.01.2015 at 12:36

Scris de Guest, 22.01.2015 at 12:29
Who's your main?

what do you mean by main? Main account?

Only other account I've had is Prezident but I can no longer access it. Why do people keep asking me this? I guess I'm just so awesome every wants to think they know me

Seriously, 1v1 me and you can see how much more of a main account I have besides this one.
You use good English, that's why
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22.01.2015 - 16:55

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22.01.2015 - 17:18
Scris de KYBL, 22.01.2015 at 16:55


So everything is over.

Can this topic be locked? plz say yes.
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22.01.2015 - 17:39
Yeah lock it

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22.01.2015 - 17:55
Thank you for the entertaining discussion. Seems someone deleted one of the other threads, as I can't see my recent replies there.

But to quote my deleted posts, you gave us a reason to close loop holes and bring things to light.

As requested by the OP, locked.

@Clovis and Khal, no I am.
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