Yeah you're just talking shit now, the Black Swans was simply a special forces unit and has nothing to do with religion. The fact you purposely went through my history to find something to bitch about is even worse and you've truly failed the illusion of you being Russian at this point, you're just some sad Serbian who can't take a joke but loves throwing the same kind of shade out at people. Roma Invicta isn't Italian so even your logic there is flawed mr wannabe Albanian.
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
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What is this delusional kid skenderbeg talking about
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There's 3 things I love in life.
1. Making friends
2. Women
3. Killing serbs
Imagine someone from West or Russia saying this while also bearing a name of religious military unit, it would be insta-ban 
The cope
Also when I see your comments I can't but remember this great meme
"****swans is just torturing me like when uou caugh an insect *when you caught an insect and starts to pull
out from him their body parts****" - IHY
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Yeah you're just talking shit now, the Black Swans was simply a special forces unit and has nothing to do with religion. The fact you purposely went through my history to find something to bitch about is even worse and you've truly failed the illusion of you being Russian at this point, you're just some sad Serbian who can't take a joke but loves throwing the same kind of shade out at people. Roma Invicta isn't Italian so even your logic there is flawed mr wannabe Albanian.
I didn't understand a single thing in your troll post: black swans were not religious, i am russian-albanian and roma invicta is not italian-latin name?
Thanks for entertainment, it is better than tengri's!
how come you switched from an account from 2013 to one from 2011 and you started playing and posting with it in 2016?
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
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You said Italian, not Latin. I joined in early 2011 but only played few games, it wasn't until 2013 I started playing more but most players don't instantly find the forum and start shit posting like you do. Before I even knew what the forum was properly I already knew about the amount of bullshit you chatted in it from players like Tripitz or Pantha.
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
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You said Italian, not Latin. I joined in early 2011 but only played few games, it wasn't until 2013 I started playing more but most players don't instantly find the forum and start shit posting like you do. Before I even knew what the forum was properly I already knew about the amount of bullshit you chatted in it from players like Tripitz or Pantha.
I knew about Tirpitz, he was always toxic, but i didn't know Pantha badmouthed me, i had high opinion of him, thanks for telling me.
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
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You know most of the community dislike you right?
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
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You know most of the community dislike you right?
You mean most of 200 players in a 10 year-old browser game?
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
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200 against 1 is a pretty good ratio to determine you are in fact a "cunt". You shit talk every nation, every person under the sun but as soon as someone does the same back then you bitch and moan like a child.
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
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200 against 1 is a pretty good ratio to determine you are in fact a "cunt". You shit talk every nation, every person under the sun but as soon as someone does the same back then you bitch and moan like a child.
You mean racists, nazis and holocaust deniers vs one reasonable logical polite man? Why thank you, i'll wear that honorably as a medal, that i am not liked by 'cunts', who make jokes about killing entire ethnic groups, trashtalk and behave like animals and enforce segregation based on names.
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
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"who make jokes about killing entire ethnic groups, trashtalk and behave like animals and enforce segregation based on names."
Pretty interesting coming from a Serbian hmmm
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
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"who make jokes about killing entire ethnic groups, trashtalk and behave like animals and enforce segregation based on names."
Pretty interesting coming from a Serbian hmmm
Pretty interesting that due to your hatred of serbs you can't accept and recognize that there are 200 more nations besides Serbs. If someone normal like me posted 'like killing americans' we'd be banned for a year, so i wonder why you get a free pass? Hmmmmmm
I should say get out of your bubble before it burst, but if you stay, then more fun for me when i check atwar forum, so... your choice.
So keep showing who you really are, and enjoy how '200 community' likeminded support you, since you mention it twice and seems it is really important to you (lol), prove how immoral and unethical you are
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
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You mean racists, nazis and holocaust deniers vs one reasonable logical polite man? Why thank you, i'll wear that honorably as a medal, that i am not liked by 'cunts', who make jokes about killing entire ethnic groups, trashtalk and behave like animals and enforce segregation based on names.
A man is known by the company he keeps. On your place, I would save myself from these "racists, nazis and holocaust deniers" and never enter this game.
You mean most of 200 players in a 10 year-old browser game?
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Scris de Oleg, 09.04.2021 at 10:14
A man is known by the company he keeps. On your place, I would save myself from these "racists, nazis and holocaust deniers" and never enter this game.
Oh hi, another toxic player.
Likeminded people stick together. And i repeat, i still wonder why some players get a free pass posting hateful or toxic comments while the rest of us are 'not allowed' that
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
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Some people just do not understand sarcasm. Btw, why did you censor your own name?
About the second picture, I think I pretty much talked about you, and after everything you have done to make me hate this game (which you clearly did not succeed), the words I said back then about you were and are truth (a bit more harshly said than perhaps I should have, but that does not negate the truth). I am of an opinion that even you are suprised how relaxed I am when writing to you, after everything you did to me.
For the 3rd picture, I apologize to whoever I wrote that, every humans loses a temper sometimes.
Likeminded people stick together.
That explains why you are alone in this rage against "200 10-yea olds" of yours,
And i repeat, i still wonder why some players get a free pass posting hateful or toxic comments while the rest of us are 'not allowed' that 
There is one old Chinese saying: "whoever justifies his own sin with sins of others - washes himself with mud". Nevertheless, who is exactly "getting a free pass posting hateful or toxic comments"? I only see you hating around here, everyone else answers to you. It seems as if you are the one with a free pass.
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Scris de Oleg, 09.04.2021 at 10:27
Some people just do not understand sarcasm. Btw, why did you censor your own name?
About the second picture, I think I pretty much talked about you, and after everything you have done to make me hate this game (which you clearly did not succeed), the words I said back then about you were and are truth (a bit more harshly said than perhaps I should have, but that does not negate the truth). I am of an opinion that even you are suprised how relaxed I am when writing to you, after everything you did to me.
For the 3rd picture, I apologize to whoever I wrote that, every humans loses a temper sometimes.
As always, you tal without proof. Just random lies from you like always... i hide names, you were sarcastic, typical. So there is nothing beyond this to reply to you more than this. Until you show proofs.
must add this since you edited your post 'That explains why you are alone in this rage against "200 10-yea olds" of yours'
As i said, same people stick together, you both make hateful comments and then say 'you are alone agaisnt us', thanks for proving my point (again).
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
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must add this since you edited your post 'That explains why you are alone in this rage against "200 10-yea olds" of yours'
As i said, same people stick together, you both make hateful comments and then say 'you are alone agaisnt us', thanks for proving my point (again).
Just to be clear, some people are the majority of players in this game. You have no one here, you disappointed everyone who liked you in the past here. You are a bad man, which I wrote about in that big post I made about you few weeks ago and that I will repost here, because it has proofs that you so much ask for.
As always, you tal without proof. Just random lies from you like always... i hide names, you were sarcastic, typical. So there is nothing beyond this to reply to you more than this. Until you show proofs.
To be honest, I do not really see why would anyone needs any proof to the post you replied, everyone here knows you very well. Here are proofs that you ask for, and as I promised, I will always reply to your trashtalk about me with that "proof":
(btw, I am starting to question your sanity, why do you behave like every post is a fresh start for everybody here when it suits you?)
Scris de Oleg, 27.03.2021 at 18:02
I don't know if you noticed, but I never replied to your ridiculous claims.
is that the time you were banned for stealing accounts and making death threats to Meester and Desu?
I have never stolen any account. The only account that I ever used but did not make myself was the account that you gifted me because it was a beta trooper account and had premium, and I was stilll new to the game and was not sure if I wanted to invest into premium and buy it.
Every player that was active in 2014 and 2015 knows it very well, your effort into deleting all your posts claiming that it is not you and that you gifted me that account is useless... We remember:
Btw guys, Pavle is Tito's alt.. Just heads up, you can even ask a mod.
hes not an alt, they have played in cws together and are always on at the same time. Id say he went on his account to buy him premium or something and that's why.
There were the whole topics, players claiming that I am your alt, that we (as JNA) did not have right to ask for balanced ranks, that you are playing on the second account on purpose etc.... Back then, you were not claiming that I stole account...
I know you can't stand me alongside Meester
It might be true for Meester, he went inactive before having a chance to learn about my personality. He only knew about me from you, back then I just cared about having fun, cw-ing with clanmates and did not really have any need to meet moderators.
and Desu
You should know that Desu helped me solve the problem. First he suggested that we could transfer SP, but someone did not want the transfer to happen:

Now when I check the account, I see that you utilized it very well, playing a lot on both this and that account. That is good for the AtWar's traffilc.
Since the day you took the account, you played a total of around 420 games, calculating both accounts, which is 70 games per year, or 0.2 games per day. I think that one account is enough for this amount of activity...
This (in)activity opens two question:
1. what was the reason behind your wanting the account that you never used back ? When you gifted it to me, it was level 4, hardly any games were played on it.
2. What kind of a man takes back a gift he gave to someone?
I want to use this chance to again show my gratitude to all the players who helped me and supported my case. Thank you Gob, Khal, Devil, Desu, Usernames (who even offered me his second account to play on) and all the others, if you ever read this. It meant a lot to me back then.
for retrieving the lost accounts
I apologize for trying to retrieve the hours and money spent on that account. I am truly sorry:

And banning you for rules violations.
I just got information from moderator that from 2014 to today i have a total of 37 moderator actions against me (chat warning, chat mutes, forum post deletes, forum mutes, bans), out of which the majority is constisted of warnings (half of them are troll warnings )
The great part of moderator actions date back to 2015 and 2016, when I felt a kind of injustice from moderator team towards my case. From current perspective, I understand that the rules needed to be respected, even in that case. I am thankful to Ivan for having an understanding for my case back then and for giving me the SP on the account. For premium, I probably paid it off twice by now
I again apologize to the staff, how terrible and troublesome member of community I am...
At least, I never insulted someone's family, at least I never stole a gift that I gave, at least I do not lie how I am greek-russian (or whatever you claim you are today) at least I never negated a genocide or made about the victims....
Scris de deviL, 19.04.2014 at 16:52
Just saw that post lol.tito really got 999 mute?i dislike him, but still sounds a little harsh lol..
I saw many insults, about his mother and rude words. I agree it's too much 999, but insults are forbidden. Many players kept pm-ing him and saying rude words, but he didn't make ss, like others for every single minute. Khal you know how trollers act these days
Scris de Goblin, 14.05.2014 at 04:11
Tito is from nowhere..his IP says he lives in Serbia but he claims to be from some other mysterious part of Yugoslavia.The part that he sudenly claims he is jewish makes the whole thing more mysterious and fucked up xD
No i think he is from an alternative universe because most things he writes dont add up with this universe.
welcome to the club buddy 
Scris de Goblin, 24.07.2014 at 13:04
I forgot to mention the funniest thing... no one knows what nationality Tito is 
- in one post he said he is embarassed by what he is ...thats sad 
- he says he is Jugoslav ...is funny how he mocks "artificial" american nation, but takes pride in some artificial slavic federation
- avatar tells me he claimed to be part russian part greek
- to me he responded he "might be" part croat part serb

i think he is part crazy, part delusional.
It seems your lawyer skills didn't help you.
I noticed that you have made some kind of theory that I am a lawyer Everyone who knows me here knows that I am a chemical engineer, and you should remember aswell that I was on the first year of my bachelor studies in Novi Sad when I entered JNA....
But we will always be around,
Who "we"? I do not see anyone else, except you, hate-posting about me. I can only guess that you think how writing in plurality gives your ridiculous statements some kind credibility. It does not.
to remind people who you are, and there's nothing you can do about it.
I truly am sorry for being such superfluous member of this community.
No tourney hosting, trophy awarded, rank obtained,
I organize tourneys because I enjoy doing it, and because I enjoy playing. I guess you forgot how this game can be very interesting and fun, since you use all your free time posting here.
will cover up your damage made on this game in the past.
I am just a terrible person I guess
I call every player who thinks that I made some kind of damage to this game in the past to tell me. If there is ONE player (excluding you) that seriously finds the damage that I made to this game, I will ask Dave to remove me and my account from all positions and permissions that I have.
I will always be there to expose you.
At least you corrected yourself and wrote "I", and not "we"
I hope you will tell me one day the reason why you did everything you did to me, and why you are trying to destroy my reputation in this game even after 6 years of your gift theft...
After you took the account, I thought the reasons were materialistic (selling high level premium account, even though it would be illegal, but why would you care about it, were not even playing a game, just like you don't play it now).
Then, you tried making my time in this game miserable by every way you could think of, even trying to steal one of my names. You probably remember that drama aswell...

To be honest, I was confused for a long time after this... The only plausible reasoning I had for your actions was not logical anymore....
After 6 years, while I was writing this post and searching your posts (it is hard since you deleted them I basically need to seach other players posting about you) I think that I found a possible reason:
Pavle('Andertes') was the best communist in JNA. He spammed communist propaganda and links all over clan chat. Now he is trying to erase all that by trashtalking me 
Change your name btw, be originial, dont steal other players names 
Croat sent me PM to join communist clan when he was rank 7(ProPatria), i still have his message 
I always had a respect towards you, because you taught me the basics of the game, because you gifted me that account, I always showed that respect, even in forums:
in Topic titled "Who Made You The Player You Are Today?" from end of 2014:
Tito,Tito,and Tito.
When I decided to leave JNA for the first time, I asked you if you wanted me to give you the account back, you said you did not need it, that it was a gift... Even then, I always consulted you about switching clans, asking you about the players, always showing the gratitude and respect. Returned to JNA when I bacame a better player and won our clan a trophy with mantis....
We all know how my gratitude and respect paid off in the following months and even now...

You always send this screenshot, because it has Croat's post 'about me'.
This one is not the worst, you could have found worse.
You need to understand one thing about Croat and me: I have had a better relationship with him even while were poking each other, than you ever had with anyone here. It appears that you like to put your nose everywhere, but that's not your business and don't judge what you see that easily.
For the end:
No it's 'Andartes'. Pavle is using 'andertes' and troll atwar because he think he can damage reputation and credibility of real Andartes.
After everything we have witnessed past few years, I think that I will never use my username "Andertes" again, because it is way too similiar to yours. It can only damage my reputation and credibility if someone was to confuse me with you.
Just one info for you in the future: don't bother spamming forums with the same message that you kept posting for a past month, from now on I will ask moderators to act every time you try, based on the following rule-violations:
3.1 Posting comments within a thread which severely disrupts the original conversation is prohibited. Such posts will be deleted without warning and the poster may be on the receiving end of further punishment.
3.3 Do not post to pillory other players. If you have a problem with another player or want to report something please contact a moderator.
2.3 Disrupting the flow of chat with abusive language, use of excessive shouting (all caps) in an attempt to disturb other users, "SPAMMING" or "FLOODING" (posting repetitive text) is also not permitted, and will result in mutes or bans in extreme cases.
(I guess no one ever thought about the specific need for the same rule about forum posts, until now, will suggest it on the next staff meeting...)
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Scris de Oleg, 09.04.2021 at 10:46
I always had a respect towards you, because you taught me the basics of the game, because you gifted me that account, I always showed that respect, even in forums:
in Topic titled "Who Made You The Player You Are Today?" from end of 2014:
Tito,Tito,and Tito.
When I decided to leave JNA for the first time, I asked you if you wanted me to give you the account back, you said you did not need it, that it was a gift... Even then, I always consulted you about switching clans, asking you about the players, always showing the gratitude and respect.
Yes, you had so much respect you stole an account from me. I specifically asked you to not change password to which you replied 'dont worry i wont i had problem with account theft in the past', check my forum posts and you'll find the ss. Or you going to conventiently deny it because 'you invested time in playing'.
I gave prem account to lowran nonprem to feel premium playstyle, and you decide its your own.
i maybe don't play many games, and i use internet only for gaming, but you are the worst online experience that happened to me. I trusted a balkan guy and it backfired badly. Never again.
No you didnt say you were bachelor in chemistry, you said you are lawyer from belgrade when we talked in chat. First time i hear about chemistry and you is in 2021 when i returned to check forum from WoW.
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
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Citat: Citat:
Pavle, that guy is a huge troll. Biggest troll on atwar, just mute him. His time and life is worth nothing, stop making him lose your time.
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Pavle, that guy is a huge troll. Biggest troll on atwar, just mute him. His time and life is worth nothing, stop making him lose your time.
You are right. We all should do the same, maybe he will learn what is his place in this community then.
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Pavle, that guy is a huge troll. Biggest troll on atwar, just mute him. His time and life is worth nothing, stop making him lose your time.
If im huge troll, what are you then? I forgot whom did you trashtalk last month and got muted, the messages are deleted by mod, which mean they were very toxic, and you call me troll?
Nevermind, keep it up, use more ad hominems, you are harming yourself that way, not me.
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
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I have no idea what's going on with this thread, but its gone on long enough. Locked.
 | All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu

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