As you all know, ATN has been dead for quite some time and has been long-waiting a comeback. So, I'd like to officially reintroduce the AtWar Times Network back into the community with new leadership and a plan for AtWar. With this being said, I'd like to begin with a Q&A:
What Is The AtWar Times Network?
Scris de Madara, 14.02.2014 at 14:47
atWar Times Network, a news network of atWar working to entertain our community. The ATN was formed the 19th of November 2012, when also the first Clan war report was published. ATN is a combination of the old two news networks, namely; LDK's Afterwind Times (AT) and Mathdino's Afterwind News Network (ANN).
Edited for up-to-date purposes.
On top of this, ATN aims to bring you the latest news on AtWar and ultimately bring fun and interest to the community.
Why Now?
ATN has never really died off, in reality, it has been working in the background of the supporter's team or is done very little by the players who were part of it. It's actually been merged with the AW Press for official releases and other sorts as well. As for this, it's high time to revive AtWar's community interest which has declined rapidly since we switched to HTML5.
What Does ATN Do?
ATN does/will be doing a series of jobs:
● Clan War reports
● News Articles
● Talkshows
● Articles on clans, atwar itself, and other things.
● AW Politics
● Updates on the game
● And much more!
At the end of the day, our aim is to "report you the most interesting events happening in atWar itself"
ATN Staff
Interim President
Head Coordinator
Talkshow Host
ATN is currently looking for active players from the community to participate in the making of this content! We are looking for the following areas:
● Clan War Reports
● Journalist/Editor
● Talkshow Personnel
● Cartographers
If you'd like to apply...
please fill out our application below and mail it to AIois.
Why should we add you?
What you are applying for:
Previous work in the area?
Activity level: