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14.01.2020 - 06:38

Xo. This is my first ''serious'' attempt at map/scen making. Theme of the scenario is fictional second war for Kosovo. Plot is this: Albanians in Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro are growing their oppression toward native people. This escalates in war when Serbia, backed by Russia, goes ham on Kosovo. Macedonians joins Serbia because Albanians wants to take half their country, ignoring NATO. Montenegro joins USA led aliance with Albania and so called Kosovo. Bing bang boom.**This is not totaly fictional, setup for this scenario already exist in real life**

This is clone where I kept borders and cities, but turned of some countries, added new ones, and made units from scratch. There are regular units from world map + new ones. Only change in existing cities I made when raised reinfs in Nis from 6 to 8.

There are 2 teams and 6 factions:
team Serbia and alies: Serbia, Macedonia
team Kosovo and alies: USA, Kosovo, Albania, Montenegro

Now something about factions:

- 20k starting money; has to fund its alies;
- has elite units: M1 Abrams, US marines, B-2 Stealth Bomber, Tomahawk missile (high colateral), MOAB bomb (not buildable, only form events)
- 2 starting countries with caps in Italian coast: US Army and US Air Force. US Army have bases in Adriatic sea (4), and Kosovo (1).
Air Force have 2 bases in Bulgaria, 2 bases in Hungary, 3 bases in Romania, with buildable air units and infantry only (without air transport).
- events:
t1 2 MOAB bombs near US Army bases
t5 2 MOAB bombs near US Army bases
t9 2 MOAB bombs near US Army bases
t17 10 anti-war units (nerfing income)
t18 2 anti-war units
t19 2 anti-war units
t20 2 anti-war units
recommended strategy: sm and mos preferably (boosting B-2 stealth bomber and better usage of air bases)

- 1k starting money, it is small auxilary force
- has 4 main ''balkan'' units: militia, infantry, guerrila (nerfed and cheap marines), artilery + naval transport in coastal cities
- has to cope with small uprisings of serbian people
- t1 event in Podgorica: 30 T-55 tanks
recommended strategy:

- 1k starting money, has big potential with US funding. Has T-55 Repair Factory country with cap in Italy and 4 bases in south Albania, in those you can produce T-55 tanks only.
- has 4 main ''balkan'' units: militia, infantry, guerrila (nerfed and cheap marines), artilery + buildable T-55's
- events
t5 2 inflation units
t9 2 inflation units
t19 15 M1 Abrams, 25 T-55, 50 infantry in south Albania
t20 2 inflation units
recommended strategy: imp, pd (ra maybe)

- 1k starting money, small auxilary force, with big potential with events.
- has 4 main ''balkan'' units: militia, infantry, guerrila (nerfed and cheap marines), artilery + events of mujahideens (slightly buffed guerrilas)
- events:
t2 70 mujahideens, 7 stacks of 10 in Albania, Montenegro and Kosovo
t7 100 mujahideens, 2 stacks of 50, one in Kosovo, one in Montenegro
t11 100 mujahideens, 2 stacks of 50, one in Kosovo, one in Montenegro
t15 100 mujahideens, 2 stacks of 50, one in Kosovo, one in Montenegro
t19 100 mujahideens, 2 stacks of 50, one in Kosovo, one in Montenegro
recommended strategy: pd, mos, gw

- 3k starting money, has to fund and aid Macedonia.
- has 4 main ''balkan'' units: militia, infantry, guerrila (nerfed and cheap marines), artilery + M-84 tank (regular tank with different name) anti aircraft, naval transport in Danube cities, MiG29 (only aircraft), S-300 anti aircraft buildable in Belgrade only, and paramilitary buildable in paramilitary camps from t21.
t1 militia for walling in major cities, couple of S-300 in main cities; urbad defence complex units in Belgrade, Kragujevac, Nis, Pancevo (forts basicly)
t3 5 guerrilas in Montenegro (upraising), and 5 guerrilas every turn from t3 to t20
t5 10 UN santions units (and 2 per turn till t20) spawned in Italy and left bottom corner of the map
t12 149 orthodox volunteers 100 T-14 Armata's and general near Beograd (at this point Serbia should be near total colapse, this represent international and Russian aid)
t21 Paramilitary Camps can build Paramilitary units
recommended strategy: pd, lb

- 3k starting money, medium auxilary force. Should be defending as long as it can, until Serbia and t16 events arive to help.
- has 4 main ''balkan'' units: militia, infantry, guerrila (nerfed and cheap marines), artilery, S-300 buildable in Skopje only.
- events:
t1 1 S-300 in Skopje, 30inf 10 T-55 in Gostivar, 30inf 10 T-55 in Kicevo, 30inf in Struga
t3 50 orthodox volunteers near Bitola
t8 50 orthodox volunteers near Bitola
t12 109 orthodox volunteers, 120 T-14 Armata's, 20 S-300, and general in central Macedonia
recommended strategy: pd, lb, if (if serbia funds)

++ Game was not played enough to give right insight. I will probably fix some things in the proces++
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14.01.2020 - 22:10
About playing Kosovo:

If you already have the following upgrades: Faster Ground Stealth, Lucky Ground Stealth, Expendable Ground Stealth. I strongly recommend you go MoS.

Otherwise go PD. Map is really fun and well polished for a first attempt.
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21.01.2020 - 11:48
If US does it job nice Serbia is rekted, so I made some minor changes.

- 2 army bases in Bosnia are made air force bases and moved, 1 in Hungar, 1 in Romania. (lets pretend Republic of Srpska is not alowing US to go throug its air and land..)

- Uprisings in Montenegro will be from turn 3 to 12, 5 guerillas spawned every turn.
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25.01.2020 - 13:11
New update:

I added ''Urban fortification system'' unit for Serbia and Macedonia as event t1 in major cities; Belgrade, Nis, Novi Sad, Pancevo, Kragujevac and Skopje, 3 per citie. It is 100 def 10hp. Around 10 B-2's can kill 1 tho, so its not big buff.

Added economical strugle for US in anti-war movement form t17 to t20 when US gets economical nerf in event units, 20 of them in north Italy, one costs 5000 so you get a nerf to your income of 10 000. That, dependent of how you played during the game, could seriously throw you out of the game. So you better gain as much as you can till t20.

Huge events for Serbia and Macedonia are moved from t16 to t12. Macedonian event is changed: it gets 59 volunteers 70 armatas and heneral in central macedonia.

Buffed sanctions to Serbia a litle.

This maybe balance things a bit.
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26.01.2020 - 13:13
Very very unbalanced, do not play
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

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26.01.2020 - 13:16
It needs time and plays to flush flaws. It all depends how you set your gameplay, thats why a lot of variations ocurred.

For example, this same setup, just with big event t16, ended in clear win for US and alies.
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30.01.2020 - 11:21
Another update:

- added MOAB bomb as event for USA t1, t5 and t9, 2 of them spawned near US Army bases in Adriatic sea
- added 2 more air bases for US, 1 in Bulgaria, 1 in Romania
- added more sanctions to Serbia.
- changed Tomahawk missile stat: collateral form 50 to 100
- added inflation to albania t5 t9 t20< their income is huge in late game and not realistic

This is solid boost for US to make some more damage to Serbia before t12 events, and economical crash from t17.
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08.02.2020 - 13:50

- anti-war preasure for USA nerferd, instead of 10 4 4 2, now is 10 2 2 2 anti war units (previous setup almost totaly thrown out US from war, like this US have 2k more of income to operate)

- Albania gets event t19: 15 M1 Abrams, 25 T-55, 50 infantry in south Albania

- Kosovo gets one more event of mujaheedens: t19 100 mujahideens, 2 stacks of 50, one in Kosovo, one in Montenegro

- Serbia gets 1 new country with 8 cities and 1 new unit buildable only in those cities from t21. Its called ''Paramilitary formations'', cap is in top right corner of the map with 6 urban fortification complex units in it. It have 8 camps with 10 reinfs, you can build only paramilitary unit in it, and that is posible from t21. Before that you have just starting infantry in it.
Paramilitary unit stats are 5 att 5 def, 7 range 40 cost.
I added this one to keep Serbia in somewhat fighting condition, because at this point usualy income is bad and a lot of land is lost, this gives cheap spam to keep things moving.

If this is somehow broken, I can always fix it.
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20.04.2020 - 03:29
Boosted macedonian event in t12 to 109 orthodox volunteers 120 armatas 20 S-300's and gen. Macedonia often gets crushed even before this event, and if somehow makes it to it, US and alies wipes it.
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24.05.2020 - 08:17
This looks like fun. Nice work!
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17.01.2021 - 15:08
It looked like Serbia has to work much more than others, so I splited it, added new side: Paramilitary and Border Control. So, that side has those bases that could produce paramilitary units from t20, but now they can produce from t1, and gave it south serbian lands near border to Montenegro, Kosovo and Macedonia. This pick also gets events in Montenegro and walling units t1.
Rest is the same.
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30.01.2021 - 06:51

Opa, let's go boys, remove kebab woohoo

By the way: Russia supporting Serbia?

Armenia disagrees with you.
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
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30.01.2021 - 10:45
Sorry for spam, but after reading your updates, i feel like you should add 2 more unique units to Serbian Border faction: Gendarmery (they are in GSZ anyway), and Koshare Veterans(op def and hp) to tank the border until serbian army arrive.

I also advise to add Milogortsy as buffed militia for Montenegro, 1 attack,1 defense,500 cost(5 for unit and 495 for milo)
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
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