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21.03.2019 - 09:18
We're still having this debate? No support, the last thing we need is another victory spamming lord of the rings maps and farming new players continuously
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21.03.2019 - 09:52
who cares, at least we'll have more players. Most newbs just leave after 1 to 2 weeks max
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21.03.2019 - 10:03
"more players", yeah. Cuzz there is nothing more fun than 3 week player having a fun match up vs a player thats been in this game for years.
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21.03.2019 - 10:06
Agreed, just allow non-prems to set rank limits in their games if they can't do this already.
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21.03.2019 - 11:13
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21.03.2019 - 11:17
Then whats the point of merging these two rooms if they're gonna keep playing with low ranks and high ranks will keep playing with high ranks.. Just to visually increase numbers so people would feel better? And if you think some of them will not use rank limit, give them 10 games vs higher ranks. That should be enough. Edit: Before you can learn by playing vs better players, you first need to learn basics of the game. Thats why the rooms are separate..
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21.03.2019 - 11:29
N -
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21.03.2019 - 13:31
No one in beginners is learning anything. Whenever I invite low ranks to my games, I teach them and play fairly.
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21.03.2019 - 13:54
I'm still talking about basics of a game..
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21.03.2019 - 13:58
They know this by rank 3. If they don't, it's because they get into bad habits due to the beginners room to begin with.
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21.03.2019 - 14:44
Good, lets say thats true. So after they reach rank 3 they should right away play vs much more experienced players? I dont know if you're helpful or not, props if you are, but so far i've seen quite a bit of farming on lower ranks. And i mean legit farm. I'm confident that best way to learn this game is by playing vs better players. But all in its own time. Lets not throw those "kids" into the water hoping they'll start swimming.
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21.03.2019 - 14:57
I'm not saying they should play against Zizou or anything, but they'll never learn comp if they don't start playing it. Hell, I'd be down to start hosting training 3v3s for them if another higher rank helped out.
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21.03.2019 - 21:43
you're a supporter tho... thats ur job
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21.03.2019 - 21:48
Make beginners 0-4 as before,skills of current midranks are so upsetting
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21.03.2019 - 21:52
My job is to answer the help chat, work on new content, and work with the competitive community for said content. Until Dave or Sascha tells me to start training low ranks, this is what I will do.
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22.03.2019 - 04:18
I played in beginners for 1 and a half years with my main. Didn't even learn hotkeys.
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22.03.2019 - 09:18
That might have something with the fact that you've played 1 and a half years in beginners.
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22.03.2019 - 11:12
Exactly, you don't learn shit there. Plus why would I move out from beginners? I made some friends there and shit. Only started playing in main when I was R8 after playing some nice RP games in main.
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