22.06.2020 - 01:26
I think the system suggested by Sphinx to hide people's elo behind their profile is a train-wreck waiting to happen. It feels like punishment to the majority based off a few players who stopped dueling to preserve their elo. Like it or not, people need to be able to show off their accomplishments in Atwar and there is nothing wrong with this. People want to have high reps, high rank, high elo, trophies, etc... It's what keeps players engaged with the game long after they finished buying every upgrade. It's achievement and accolade hunting that keeps players coming back to atwar (among other things). I feel like showing seasonal elo by default is like cutting down an entire tree because of one bad branch. It's too artificial and punishing, and once again, all because a small minority of players stop dueling to preserve their elo. I'm proposing what I believe is a better alternative. In order to incentivize people to continue dueling, there should be an elo decay mechanic. Here is what I think would be fair to everybody. - Players who want to retain their elo should duel once every 30 days. - After 30 days since a player's last duel, they will lose 15 elo (equivalent to one lost duel vs a player of the same elo) per week until they duel again. - This decay stops when the player is 1000 elo or below. - After a player has dueled someone (win or loss), the decay is stopped for another 30 days. - Once every season, players below 1000 elo will get the option to reset their elo to 1000. Now, to address common concerns that comes up. I think this system is very forgiving. One month is plenty of time for even inactive players to get one game in. Even then, the decay is very slow at only 15 elo per week. There is a small and fair incentive for people who want to retain their elo to continue dueling. There is also a concern about the elo being drained from the elo pool. This is where the once a season reset mechanic comes in. This acts as a counter to any elo that gets pulled out of the system, and it also gives players who did poorly a second chance to start fresh every season. The reset is so infrequent that I don't think farming will become an issue, and even then, moderators can tackle intentional farming like they do now. If people really wanted to farm, they could skip the seasonal reset and just make an alt that starts at 1000 elo and feed with it anyways, so this won't add any new way for people to unfairly gain elo. I also don't think much elo will be removed from the elo pool. There are player with high elo (1400+) who haven't dueled in years and it is unlikely they will ever duel again. Their elo should not be considered as part of the pool of elo being shared among duelers right now. At least with this system, there is a chance they could occasionally duel. Please support this proposal over the other one. I honestly believe that punishing players because of a few campers is the wrong way to fix the problem.
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22.06.2020 - 01:39
People have a right to not play you. There are people who abuse wfs/rewalls/etc.. that I refuse to play and that is perfectly okay. The intent of this idea is to get more people to duel and the community be more active. Not to stop certain players from dodging each other.
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22.06.2020 - 01:59
League of Legends has a perfect example of how to deal with elo decay and it might come in handy here. I will explain below. What is Elo Decay? Elo will decay over time if you have not dueled in 30 days and 10 days for higher elo. And will decay every 7 days afterwards until you play a duel. The amount of elo you decay per week depends on the amount of elo you have. Notes: -While you're inactive, you're hidden from the leaderboards for everyone except yourself. -Seasonal elo doesn't decay when regular Elo decay occurs. How does Elo Decay? If you are between 1400-1600 elo, after 30 days of inactivity a couple of things will happen. You will be hidden from the leaderboards. You will lose elo depending on your current range of elo. Every seven days thereafter, you will lose elo until you play a duel. If you are 1600+ elo, players will decay after becoming inactive for 10 days. This is to ensure that only the top most active players are being showcased. The number of Elo lost following each period of decay is show below: 1400: 7 elo 1500: 12.5 elo 1600: 20 elo Worries about Elo Deflation? A new player starting off dueling would have 50% increased elo gain upon winning for their first 10 duels. This will ensure fresh elo remains in the elo pool. This is also so a player can rapidly find her or his correct place in the elo rankings.
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22.06.2020 - 02:25
Most games also don't let newcomers join and start playing ranked straight away(our version being duels and cw's) so the minimal rank for duels and cw's should be higher.
---- Lest we forget Moja Bosna Ponosna
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22.06.2020 - 02:29
Either buying premium. Or reaching rank 7 could be a good idea.
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22.06.2020 - 02:31
Great idea, I agree.
---- Lest we forget Moja Bosna Ponosna
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22.06.2020 - 06:11
Elo from the other siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide I must have dueled a thousand tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimes to tell you that you are noob ...
---- Meso ![]() ![]()
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22.06.2020 - 10:53
How about the player loses 0.1 elo every day? So they will lose 1 elo every 10 days and 10 elos every 100 days ( 3 months )
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22.06.2020 - 16:14
i like this idea but how about 1 week instead of 10 days?
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