17.02.2024 - 05:28
Hello, everyone. Lately, I have noticed that it takes a long time to fill WW1 games (it usually takes 40+ minutes to fill a game and we are mostly missing 1-2 players when we start). The main reason to it is that people ban each other for minor mistakes. I ask everyone to unban each other so we don't have to wait an hour just to play a game that may fail before t10. If someone abuses you, just abuse him next game. You don't need to ban him unless he leaves the game constantly on t1 and abuses wf every game. If someone rewalls then rewall as well and just counter it (for newer players; to counter rewalling you just need to place a unit next to the wall you are destroying, as simple as that). So I am asking you all, stop banning each other or leaving the game just because you don't like each other, it's not that serious. Stop wasting others time and just play the game. Also, if you fail t3 there is no need to leave the game, there is always a chance to win. Thank you for reading and please take this into consideration.
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17.02.2024 - 05:58
If someone abuses you, just abuse his next game. #HowToStartEndlessCycleAbuse
---- Tender is the Night...
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17.02.2024 - 08:24
Erdogan-worshipping Turks like Ri*va and R*se are to blame. Turks will ruin everything they touch.
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17.02.2024 - 08:26
It's t5 and they'll always ask why you still didn't sieged someone's else capital and how you're noob for not beign able to do so. And the so called "veterans" always fuck up lol
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17.02.2024 - 12:44
If someone abuses you, just abuse him next game - How to get 5 remakes 101 P.S You did not complain while you had players banned for nothing, you just complain now because Alex has you banned.
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17.02.2024 - 14:13
Its just beyond me how u guys consider rewall as an abuse, and even crazier how some countering rewall isn't a reflex in y'all's wrists at this point.
---- Man is something, that shall be overcome.
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17.02.2024 - 16:10
Only the trash players are defending rewall
---- Orcs are a horde, much like Turks. Elves and Men are light skinned, Orcs are often darker/sallow skinned, like Turks. Istanbul?Thats not how you pronounce Constantinople ![]()
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17.02.2024 - 22:01
Rewall is a serious and legal maneuver
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17.02.2024 - 23:17
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18.02.2024 - 20:20
I agree with you, evqze. We need more players and for Alex to start unbanning people from his banning list.
---- .
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10.04.2024 - 16:34
I never understood the reason rewalling and serb walling were so hated more than zoom bugging. I think zoombugging is the worst kind of abuse but thats considered fair- over something like a serb wall which is more of a walling function same as rewalling.
---- The Gifted INC. ![]() ![]()
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10.04.2024 - 16:35
Bypassing any kind of wall and hitting beyond it is wild abusive to me
---- The Gifted INC. ![]() ![]()
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14.04.2024 - 15:27
crazy how zoom bug is considered fair and rewalls result in an immediate firing squad
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14.04.2024 - 16:54
Finally someone saying something that all others are afraid to even bring up lol
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