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Postări: 6   Vizitat de: 57 users
04.11.2021 - 23:09
Hi, Dave! How are you doing? Just thinking about you!
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05.11.2021 - 00:05
I'is thinking ofdave too...
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05.11.2021 - 02:41
*enough atwar, leaving it for the game of real life
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05.11.2021 - 17:34
 Dave (Admin)
I'm doing great, how are you?

People usually only message me to ask me to do stuff. It's so rare anybody messages me just to ask how I'm doing. I think I'm gonna cry
All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu

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05.11.2021 - 19:07
Scris de Dave, 05.11.2021 at 17:34

I'm doing great, how are you?

People usually only message me to ask me to do stuff. It's so rare anybody messages me just to ask how I'm doing. I think I'm gonna cry

And what makes you think you're the Dave I meant this message for?
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05.11.2021 - 19:37
 Sid (Admin)
Obviously he was talking about DaveTheDino

I mean, he's not even the first guy named Dave to become an admin here...

abfahren was lol.
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