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Postat de notserral, 29.03.2012 - 14:08
The Coalition Tournament

Next deadline for playing the games:

June 20th, 19h00 GMT

Click here for the Challonge page

A large scale tournament, my friends. Inspired by messing with equations and dark mathematics in the suggestions area, I bring you The Great Coalition Tournament. The idea is that EVERY coalition is welcome and the higher the participation the better. Each coalition can enlist only one team, and just like in coalition wars, they can change the players at will, if the original setup can't play. As in, you enlist your coalition, but when it's time to play you can assemble your team from any player in your cln. Also, the games don't need to be CWs, they can be standard team games.

The idea is to have Swiss-system rounds, where teams are paired according to their performance on the tournament, and then proceed with the top teams into an elimination round.

How the Swiss tournament type works
The amount of rounds is determined by the logarithmic binary of the amount of players - 2 rounds for 4 players, 3 for 8, 4 for 16, 5 for 32 and so on - and players are seeded according to rank (in this case, the coalition competence). The first pairing is made between the top seeds and the bottom seeds (doing otherwise would tamper with the ranking needed to decide further pairings), so in a 16 teams case, matches will happen between the 1st and the 9th, 2nd and 10th, 3rd and 11th and so forth. When there's an odd number of teams, a bye (kinda like a free win) is awarded to the lowest ranked player who has not yet received one.

From the second round onwards, matches are made with players with similar records and similar rankings. So, if you're 1-0 you'll be matched against the 1-0 team with the ranking (competence) closest to yours. Wins are 3 points and ties will be 0, and since there isn't a tie scenario for Afterwind, it will be used in case of negligence from both parties - as in neither of them tried scheduling a game or contacting me about not being able to.

After the Swiss tournament phase, the top half of the players will be moved on to the elimination phase.

The tournament starts April 13th so that we can have time to enlist coalitions. Each round will last one week, so that participating coalitions can arrange games without pressure. This first topic will be updated as soon as the games start, with brackets and more information to you guys.

Round Duration:
Two weeks, with the deadline for screenshot / results submission being every other Wednesday 19h GMT.

On the case of not being able to get a game, the cln should contact me. On further not being able to schedule a game, a win will be given on a case by case basis. In the case of a match not happening and neither CLN contacting me about it, I will try to contact the CLNs either ingame or through this thread, otherwise a tie will be given (no points to either party).

Match Rules:
Game Type: 3v3 Team Game (if both teams agree, it can be a 2v2)
Map: Europe+
Turn duration: 3 minutes
Starting funds: 10k
Maximum players: 6
Joining until week: 0
Victory: Capture your enemies' capital and hold for 2 turns
Game duration: 50 turns
Rares: No rares
Initial countries: 1 country
+100 cities: On
Allow rejoining: yes
Additional rule: First turn turnblocking(TB), Wallfucking(WF), and Rushing are not allowed. The offending team will be given a loss upon the offended team providing screenshots. If both teams break this rule, the match is to be restarted. Wallfucking a city who was neutral in turn 1 is permitted (just clarifying that wallfucking a neutral city is allowed).

Reporting score:
- Take a screenshot and send it to me or post on this thread.
- Upon cheating (first turn TB, first turn Wallfuck or first turn rushing) the offended team should present screenshots.


1. Byzantia
2. Dalmati
3. BiteMe!
4. Dalmati Pups
5. Deutsche Koalition
6. Stalins Martians
7. Warborn Legion + United We Stand
8. The Dead Rabbits
9. U.L.P.
10. Eagle Soldiers
11. Syndicate
12. Zero-Legend
13. Fruit is Manly
14. Hellenic Macedonians
15. BiteMe Too!
16. Art of War + WarTime Heroes
17. U.L.A.P.
18. European Clan

And that's it guys, hope you like the format. If you have any suggestions or advice, I'm open to PMs or just post them in this thread.

( :
23.05.2012 - 14:42
Scris de notserral, 23.05.2012 at 14:26

Dalmati vs Dalmati Pups

Hmm, BM is not noticed in this list, and if i click on the challonge link, its says its BM vs Dalmati .....
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
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23.05.2012 - 15:31
Lol thanks, Hugo. Fixed it.

(The official pairings are the ones on that Challonge page)
Scris de Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30

I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did.
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23.05.2012 - 20:52
Also, there seems to be some sort of confusion: this is not a knock out tournament.

When Round 5 ends, the TOP 8 Coalitions will then be moved to another model, which will be Double Knockout, and the finals will be Best of Three.

And to Stalins Martians and U.L.A.P.: you can play your belated game to avoid the -1 penalization and I'll update the chart.
Scris de Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30

I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did.
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24.05.2012 - 13:36
Uhm, wheres the chart?...
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24.05.2012 - 17:44
Scris de LaBandaRoja, 24.05.2012 at 13:36

Uhm, wheres the chart?...

I had it removed because it wasn't updating. I've put it back in, since it seems to be alright now.

In time:
Scris de Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30

I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did.
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31.05.2012 - 15:25
We won against BiteMe!, though I forgot the screen
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31.05.2012 - 15:27
Yes they did. a great 3v3 match (best CW's i've had so far). GG!
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
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31.05.2012 - 21:55
Scris de Caulerpa, 31.05.2012 at 15:25

We won against BiteMe!, though I forgot the screen

Nice! Tell me who played so MVP points can be given accordingly (:
Scris de Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30

I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did.
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01.06.2012 - 00:31
Dalmati: Caulerpa, VRIL, Acquiesce
BM!: Hugosch, MrMan, Konstantin Pats
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
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01.06.2012 - 01:32
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04.06.2012 - 12:11
Cont șters
We beat Hellenic Macedonians.

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04.06.2012 - 13:23
Hellenic Macedonians asked me to remove them from the tournament. Apparently there was some bad blood between HM and AoW.

Anyway, next round the lowest ranking coalition will get a bye (free win) because of the odd number of participants.
Scris de Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30

I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did.
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05.06.2012 - 02:47
Cont șters
Scris de notserral, 04.06.2012 at 13:23

Hellenic Macedonians asked me to remove them from the tournament. Apparently there was some bad blood between HM and AoW.

Anyway, next round the lowest ranking coalition will get a bye (free win) because of the odd number of participants.

He Raged because he challenged us for the cw and played

9. 10 . 8 Ranks
and we had

8. 8. 8

And we beat them and he raged AND THEN

Lynchski trolled him, which i think just pulled Macedonians Last Hair
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05.06.2012 - 02:59
Cont șters
Scris de notserral, 04.06.2012 at 13:23

Hellenic Macedonians asked me to remove them from the tournament. Apparently there was some bad blood between HM and AoW.

Anyway, next round the lowest ranking coalition will get a bye (free win) because of the odd number of participants.

Also remove Stalins coz they deleted their clan
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05.06.2012 - 06:17
Scris de Guest, 05.06.2012 at 02:59

Scris de notserral, 04.06.2012 at 13:23

Hellenic Macedonians asked me to remove them from the tournament. Apparently there was some bad blood between HM and AoW.

Anyway, next round the lowest ranking coalition will get a bye (free win) because of the odd number of participants.

Also remove Stalins coz they deleted their clan

We got someone back in. We just need to wait for that pesky two day waiting period to be over.
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06.06.2012 - 17:12
Alright, I'm updating the chart for our next AND FINAL ROUND FOR THIS PHASE. After this round, the top 8 coalitions will move on to the knockout phase! The following coalitions lost due to no-show:

  • U.L.A.P.
  • Dalmati Pups
  • Eagle Soldiers
  • Deutsche Koalition

I'm leaving it open for the above coalitions to play their late games and then I'll overwrite the score. Eagle Soldiers and Deutsche Koalition have a -1 point penalization because neither could be accurately pointed as "not showing". So same thing - if they play their match then I'll overwrite the score on the board.

And that's it, gentlemen! The 5th Round starts right now and the top 8 coalitions will move on to a Double Elimination phase. In the next phase all games must be Coalition Wars, except of course Dalmati vs Dalmati Pups, if that match happens. Let's start the new season with the right foot (:

And the current standings for Most Valuable Player:

1. Acquiesce
3. Fruit
3. Caulerpa
5. LuciusII
6. Aristosseur
6. Cyanide
6. Skenderbeu
6. TopHats
Scris de Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30

I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did.
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07.06.2012 - 13:41
Scris de notserral, 06.06.2012 at 17:12

In the next phase all games must be Coalition Wars, except of course Dalmati vs Dalmati Pups, if that match happens. Let's start the new season with the right foot (:

Scris de notserral, 29.03.2012 at 14:08

Also, the games don't need to be CWs, they can be standard team games.

Any reason for Changing the Tournement rules?
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07.06.2012 - 13:50
To make it more interesting in the knock out phase (((:
Scris de Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30

I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did.
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14.06.2012 - 22:24
I'm not feeling very loved with all these matches not being played ):
Scris de Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30

I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did.
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15.06.2012 - 04:32
Play your matches! Dalmati and Byzantia match is scheduled
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16.06.2012 - 16:17

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16.06.2012 - 19:34
Good playings, Dalmati (:

Now everyone else, follow Dalmati and Byzantia's example and play your games. Goddamn you all.
Scris de Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30

I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did.
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17.06.2012 - 08:02
Scris de VRIL, 16.06.2012 at 16:17


NOOO I missed a great match. Please say you recorded the game?
Anything is possible for me as long as I set my mind to it.
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17.06.2012 - 08:20
No, unfortunately didn't. I will if we make it to the finals.
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19.06.2012 - 02:37
Sorry for not playing Pulse. We've been trying to catch up with Stalins and already asked them once, but they refused at that time. I've sent the coalition leader a message now, hope we can match up soon:

When are you able to play for the coalition tournament? Today @ 20.00 GMT+1? Or tomorrow at the same time?
Thanks for respons!
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
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19.06.2012 - 22:10
I'm trying to convince them to continue playing the tournament, they want to drop out. Eventually the win will go to BiteMe.
Scris de Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30

I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did.
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