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30.11.2013 - 10:21
Tomorrow is the beginning of the Advent season and the atWar CW Winter season but today we take a look at the month that is just passing to pick the one Player of the Month.

Novemer's Player of the Month is The Tactician, a rather new member of our community who joined us just a few months back. He came up with the idea to organize a community event, reuniting many of the long time members who went inactive to get them playing alongside of all the new members who have only heard romours about the old days. Apart the popular Old School Reunion Day The Tactician, posted several suggestions, wrote strategy guides and applied as a reporter for atWar Times Network. All these efforts earned you the eleventh spot as a candidate for the Player of the Year!

Winner of November:

Congrats The Tactician, and thank you very much for helping us, and the AW-community!

Current candidates for player of the year:
  • 1. Winner January: Columna Durruti
  • 2. Winner February: bOnker2
  • 3. Winner March: F.Sultan Mehmet
  • 4. Winner April: Malice
  • 5. Winner May: tesla
  • 6. Winner June: TopHats
  • 7. Winner July: Anon
  • 8. Winner August: J.Schumpeter
  • 9. Winner September: Desu
  • 10. Winner October: Madara
  • 11. Winner November: The Tactician
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    30.11.2013 - 10:25
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    30.11.2013 - 10:42

    Winner of October:

    Winner of November:*

    Congratulations The Tactician

    † In GOD We Trust †
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    30.11.2013 - 10:43
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    30.11.2013 - 11:14
    Scris de Comrade In Arms, 30.11.2013 at 10:42


    There must always be one mistake thanks for pointing it out.
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    30.11.2013 - 11:22
    Well done
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    30.11.2013 - 11:40
    Cont șters
    Congrats tact
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    30.11.2013 - 11:40
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    30.11.2013 - 12:15
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    30.11.2013 - 12:29
    Couldn't have thought of a better candidate. Congrats Tac!
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    30.11.2013 - 13:16

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    30.11.2013 - 14:16
    Congratulations, friend.
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    30.11.2013 - 15:11
    Hail Egypt
    Hail The Tactician
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    30.11.2013 - 18:55
    Congrats! Very well deserved.
    It's not the end.

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    30.11.2013 - 19:19
    Gj :-D
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    02.12.2013 - 04:06
    Cont șters
    Scris de VRIL, 30.11.2013 at 10:21

    and applied as a reporter for atWar Times Network.

    Since when does that get the POTM?
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    02.12.2013 - 04:12
    Here, I just mentioned it as an extra bit of information to introduce his various efforts for the community.
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    02.12.2013 - 04:33
    Congratz The Tactician. You deserved it.
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    02.12.2013 - 05:48
    Congrats Tactician! Well done and well deserved!
    Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
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    02.12.2013 - 06:41
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    02.12.2013 - 09:51
    Strong Tact. Congtrats
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    02.12.2013 - 14:57
    Cont șters
    Congratulations Tacty I'm proud of you.
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    08.12.2013 - 09:56
    Congrats tac
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    08.12.2013 - 10:34
    You have my congratulations.
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    09.12.2013 - 01:53
    I didn't win?

    I demand a recount.
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    14.12.2013 - 03:29
    Let's not forget that Tact is also reviving an old coalition, Bite Me Too!

    Good job man, well-deserved recognition.

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    14.12.2013 - 10:10
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