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15.06.2021 - 05:57
I would like to say that I suggested the same thing as Pavle and I agree with that the most.

My new suggestion is school yard system with minor and major league. We all been to school and had P.E classes, you know what is the idea.

The idea is that at the end of the old/start of the new season 4-6-8-whatever best players would be selected and be designated as leaders/captains then there'd be list of active players willing to participate in the season (pool). Picking would be done in rounds, ie team A picks player, team B picks player is first round, then team B picks a player, team A picks a player, that's second round and the picking goes on and on. The pool players have the right to say they don't want to be with one team leader before picking and that prevents that pick.
Player who is selected can switch teams with player who has been selected in the same round or one above/below, with consent of that player, his team leader and other team leader.

What to do after first season should yet be decided whether last two teams should go in minor league, and first two in minor to go in major...

Idea would be that Major league teams can pick any player from the pool of minor League (assuming they are not captains/picked already) and minor league can pick anyone not selected from major as well.

All participating players should be awarded medal on their profile for first second third place + special ones for captain vicecaptain.


This assures:

Influx of new players into competitive.
That teams are roughly the same, or as fair as possible.
Prevents stacking (be it in quantity or quality)
That player's skills are always expanding, in every clan I have learnt something new, and so did other players
No coding required
More activity
Availability to implement other systems over it (like best of four, double elimination tourney etc.)


Breakup of already existing clan structures

Critics, ideas, suggestions appreciated.
"****swans is just torturing me like when uou caugh an insect *when you caught an insect and starts to pull
out from him their body parts****" - IHY
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15.06.2021 - 06:12
Not a bad idea. Can be work. Could be fun.
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15.06.2021 - 06:22
Amazing idea,i hope people dont disapprove just cuz they have existing comfortable teams
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15.06.2021 - 06:26
Can be fun, but I dont think it will work. Ty for the proposition.
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15.06.2021 - 06:33
Lets do it
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
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15.06.2021 - 07:01
Scris de zappa, 15.06.2021 at 06:26

Can be fun, but I dont think it will work. Ty for the proposition.
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15.06.2021 - 07:04
If this doesn't replace the cw system as we have it right now and you consider it as something totally different to that, like a mini super league for extra fun, I support it. It shouldn't though interfere with the cw scene, so I would place it after new season's start.
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15.06.2021 - 07:25
Interesting idea, but I think we need to keep existing clans (especially active) because it's hard and almost impossible to make completely new system and to force people to move from team to team every few weeks or months. Especially because this clan system is not bad at all. So we just need to upgrade existing system and to establish interesting rules. We should improve trading system, and maybe implement something like draft or limit and rules on how can you invite ,,free agents" in your clan.
"Naše će sjene hodati po Beču, lutati po dvoru, plašiti gospodu."

"Our shadows will walk around Vienna, wander around the court, scare the gentlemen."
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15.06.2021 - 08:32
 Mobster (Mod)
I think this won't work without a code change. Changing a clan has a cooldown already. And without some new system(by code), players in this system should be constantly and manually checked by supervisors/admins/etc.

About the players part, most players in atWar have some personal reasons to be in their clan and most of them won't like the idea of a somewhat random matching. The suggestion displays the problem about the players that aren't in the "most players in atWar" group though.
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16.06.2021 - 05:25
Not a great replacement for cw system because you're basically redesigning clans.

Would be a great tournament idea though, I'd be down.
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16.06.2021 - 09:18
"****swans is just torturing me like when uou caugh an insect *when you caught an insect and starts to pull
out from him their body parts****" - IHY
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