Rezultate găsite: 579
Why can't you just make it a team game and have everybody who is suppose to be allies with each be on the same team? I get that you can't break the alliance afterwards but then again breaking alliances might not be a good idea since the host can rage and ban you now.
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Butthurt Dutch guy detected.
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26.07.2014 în When should I give in?
Here's some of my points:

1.) Adog cares about plays for his scenarios. He only bothered to try to help replace RP because RP was taking away from the plays for his maps.
2.) You say you hate the ignorance of high rank players, yet you referenced earlier on that there are lots of high ranks who emerge from RP as noobs. So how can high ranks who achieved their high ranks with RP be ignorant to a topic about RP? I think you want to say 'ignorant competitive players' instead of ignorant high ranks, but you probably are afraid of the rebuttal if you said that. So you used ignorant high ranks instead.
3.) There will always be noobs who wish to RA spam. Doesn't matter what maps are out there. At first 50k world was the problem. Then it was UN. Now it's RP. You take away RP they go back to UN. You take away UN they go back to 50k world. Only difference is they don't gain as much SP.
4.) You forget that the individuals of every player in atwar are what contributes to the overall status of the community. You cannot be a puppet master controlling the strings. Trying to force certain players to play what you think is best for atwar. If the community thought CWs were bad for the community and removed it, i'd play 3v3. If the community said 3v3 was bad for the community and removed it, I wouldn't play atwar anymore. The same will happen for those everybody thinks RP and UN are bad for the community. Atwar would become less active and devs won't have any reason to continue updating the game if we tried to force people to play games they didn't like.
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Scris de Milton Friedman, 26.07.2014 at 10:03

Scris de Fockmeeard, 26.07.2014 at 02:03

Everybody other than tik-tok tunder and adog are just power hungry

Fixed that for you.

Honestly, I didn't want to include adog but I knew 99.9% of the others would bitch about it.
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>quotes half of what I wrote
>asks a question
>answer to the question is found in the part he didn't quote.

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Anyways I have no clue why people other than tik-tok and tunder are being so involved with this senate/banlist crap. Everybody else makes shitty maps or even worse they don't make maps at all. Yet these people are so hyper active like an ADHD child when it comes to finding trollers. Everybody other than tik-tok tunder and adog are just power hungry and wish to assume some sense of significance within a community where they are barley noticed/respected/liked at all. The majority of the senate members could drop off the face of atwar and no one would give two shits. But being a member of 'The Senate' with the slogan 'We help atwar!!!' fills the void for these members. For some reason these people wish to be noticed in an online community (probably due to some irl personal issues) and this is their way of doing it. It is easy to get lost in the crowd of noob scenario players.

If you see somebody trolling, take a SS and report to the mods and then pm the SS to the mapmaker. That's it. No need for your pathetic little roleplaying. Drop the act and get off your high horse.

Oh, btw. CW senate?
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Scris de Legate Lux, 25.07.2014 at 15:53

So if I troll your 3v3s that is fine right? Ok i'll remember that in future.

Even if you play a 3v3 without trolling, you'd still be worth as much to the game as somebody who trolls.

In fact, you trolling and leaving the game early would actually be more beneficial to your team.
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Really, really interesting idea. I think it would be best to only have one frog of war at a time though.
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What movement exploits exactly..? Does zooming out not help increase range anymore??
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Let them have their little club. If it gives them false satisfaction and a false sense of purpose in life, it's probably for the best since otherwise they'd probably kill themselves out of loneliness.

Support you guys!
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23.07.2014 în Best Player in AW Story
This would be a thousand times easier if we could have one list for beta players and another for recent players. I wasn't around to see VRIL, b0nker, desu, and other dalamti/srb members play in their prime and a lot of members posting in this thread probably haven't seen them in their prime either. Only the reputation and the stories of their legacy can give us newer members reason to vote for them. But we really can't vote our own opinion based off of the opinions of others.
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Scris de Guest, 21.07.2014 at 14:23

Scris de Fockmeeard, 21.07.2014 at 14:04

Adog's post are being ignored even though I don't have him on ignore.

How do you know he's being ignored?

mind fuck.

I get the notification he quoted me so I log out and look at the forums and his posts show up. Is weird.
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Adog's post are being ignored even though I don't have him on ignore.

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Oh, look. More faggots who think they're important on the internet. You guys have friends or no...?
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Scris de Columna Durruti, 21.07.2014 at 08:41

Not that I don't support this idea; just that there are other priorities.

Like these:

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The best way to promote the game is to tell your friends in computer class about it. I was in a digital art class my Sophomore year and my friend had me and a few other guys make accounts and we would play whenever the teacher wasn't monitoring our screens. The 4-5 of us would make a eu+ game with 2 or 3 other people. We'd play as if we didn't know each other except for the last 8 minutes of class when we'd allyfag and kill the remaining players and keep the SP. Anything becomes 10x more entertaining and fun when it's in school.
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Scris de Quantum027, 19.07.2014 at 14:46

stop raging, the only angry person is you. The 4th rule isnt a rule, its just a useless sentence saying that your idea has punishments which you already said. It is repetitive and not important. Therefore i chose not to talk about it. I talked about the flaws in your ideas.

I suppose you really can't fix stupid.

I suppose the best thing you can do is not reproduce and stay away from the youth of society.
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Scris de Quantum027, 19.07.2014 at 13:33

I literally answered to every point, and if i didnt hit every point some reason get over it. The thread rules dont state we have to reply and take every word into account. Stop acting so butthurt that someone thought your idea was flawed in the map making system.

Oh boy. It's a dangerous combination to have somebody who is stupid and angry.

Anyways, since I'm feeling generous today i'll take the time to explain why you're making an ass of yourself.

4.) Any map that breaks any of the rules above cannot be published until it is reviewed by the mods and/or admins.

Now, I'm sure the only way to understand how you interpreted this quote is to kill 99.9% of my brain cells and read the above quote again but since I don't feel like doing that, i'll try to bring you up to a level of logical thinking. The above quote, the last point in my previous post which you did not respond to, means that NONE of the other rules I stated are set in stone. You DO NOT have to obey them. But if you do not obey them, the mods will do a quick check to sure it is not an SP farming map before it gets published. So, lets say Tik-Tok revamps his WW2 map with my rules in place. His map obviously breaks just about every rule, but after the mods REVIEW it will get published because it's obviously not a SP farming map.
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Scris de Quantum027, 18.07.2014 at 07:28

Scris de Fockmeeard, 27.05.2014 at 18:53

Here is how you fix SP farming maps:
1.) Make the max amount of cities in the map the same amount of maximum cities as the world map (with extra cities turned on)
2.) Limit each country's income to no more than 700 per turn.
3.) Make restrictions on how OP/not OP units can be. I've never experimented with custom units so I don't know what a good maximum would be.
4.) Any map that breaks any of the rules above cannot be published until it is reviewed by the mods and/or admins.

This is a really bad idea. Max amount of cities is really unfair. A lot of maps have tons more cities than world maps do. To limit it would be useless. 700 a turn doesn't even work in normal world game, as long as the income is proportionally correct i think its fine, 700 is very little if you are making lands like japan and India. Units have all maxed shit, and I think some of them are unfair, like 5k cost. The way map making is now is poop but these restrictions won't help map making and just limit ideas people have about fictional or historical wars/events to make maps/scenarios about.

>Replies two months later.

Anyways, read my entire post next time instead of picking and choosing which points to respond to.
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17.07.2014 în Starting reinforcements
Usually the system works that you each get the same amount of reinforcements first turn. This does not account for the existing units in the cities and the capital. You also only get this bonus reinforcement for the first turn. On later reinforcement days you only get reinforcements equal to the number of units in your cap at the start of the game assuming population hasn't changed much.
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17.07.2014 în Let us bet protocoins
Scris de Goblin, 17.07.2014 at 09:41

Scris de Fockmeeard, 17.07.2014 at 09:27

Who cares about the odds or pointless statistics? Nobody needs to manage anything. It can be a feature where you click the bet tab, you pick how much you want to bet and who you're betting on winning and then it automatically pays out when the game ends.

You serious Fock ...have you ever bet?

You cant have a for example: Tophats versus random rank 5 and just place a bet. I mean fuckin lol man.
Everyone would bet on tophats ...who is gona pay out protocoins to all the people who have taken a bet on tophats (admins? you?) if there isnt some sort of beting odds.

Coefficient on tophats would be like 1,01 if you bet 100 PC you would won 1.

Also ...beting odd couldnt be calculated up to the very start of the game: Example:

Player 1 versus Player 2 fight ...both have similar skill and are equals. Coefficient on both of them is 1,5 ...draw is like 5,0
But the game starts and player 1 picks Bosnia, player 2 picks Turkey obviously even doe they are both similiar skilled players ...the odd is hugely in favor of player 2 ...and the coefficient would have to change based on that.

Even if you could set up some sort of automatic calulator which takes in hand players statistics to calculate the odds between 2 players, you could never set up for a machine to calculate the odds between countries that players pick couldnt say correctly based on country income or reinforcments who has the upper hand, we players know this, computer couldnt.

Its not so simple fock as you think. Why dont we set up a lottery or something ...that shit is more simple.

What you are actually proposing is not beting ...its a Protocoin pool ...everyone would throw their PC in the pool and the ones whos Player win would divide the entire pool equaly ...but how is this fair? One player puts 100 PC other puts a 1000 and yet they need to divide the entire pool xD ...some people would fuckin lose PC instead of wining.

Clearly you didn't read my post. You saw the title, read waffel's post, then responded... If you did read my post you wouldn't have included that last paragraph.

People who would bet already know their chances of winning or losing. In sports, you may not have the knowledge of every player of every team. You may not have watched all their games or know the current state of the chemistry between the players. Therefore you need odds to tell you what your chances are. In atwar we played with the people we bet on. We watched the players we bet on. We know a lot of their strengths and weaknesses. We know Eagles has a very good Germany. We know Laochra, Stryko, and Acqui all have a very solid east. We know hormi is good at 5k games. We know Acqui, Desu, Eagles(insert random numbers here) are all solid at just about every country. There is no need for us to know odds or statistics when we can make a better judgement for ourselves. We aren't betting blind like when you bet on most sports teams.
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17.07.2014 în Let us bet protocoins
Scris de Goblin, 17.07.2014 at 09:14

Yea, thats why there are betting odds and coefficients it would be a shitty one, meaning you wouldnt win shit by placing a bet on team 1.
You never bet on sports or something?

btw. idk about the idea ...its not that simple, it actually cannot be done at all for players and teams that dont have some kind of points like competence, elo etc. because you couldnt calculate the odd ...and furthermore, who is gona manage all of this...

lets just stick to our underground bets ...whoops it slipped of my tongue D:

Who cares about the odds or pointless statistics? Nobody needs to manage anything. It can be a feature where you click the bet tab, you pick how much you want to bet and who you're betting on winning and then it automatically pays out when the game ends.
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17.07.2014 în Let us bet protocoins
If admins really want to make money with this game, let us bet protocoins on the outcome of the games. What if we could bet 25pc, 50pc, 100pc, or your entire pc if you have more than 100pc? We don't even need a complex algorithm to divide coins among the winners. People who bet a certain amount of pc can only win coins from those who bet the same amount. So if three people bet 25pc and if two people vote that team alpha will win and one person votes that team beta will win and if alpha wins, the 75pc is divided by two and given to the winners. if five other people in the same game bet 50pc and three people voted that team alpha will win and the other two said that team beta would win and alpha wins, the 250pc gets divided by three and given to the players who bet 50pc on alpha winning. Even though people bet 25pc on alpha winning, they receive no additional coins from those who bet 50pc for team beta to win.

Also, nobody can spend their pc until they earn 500+pc through betting. You can only bet with the pc you brought, not the pc you got through betting until you earned 500+pc by betting.

Think about all the people that would bet pc on ancient world team games, WW1/2 games, 3v3s and CWs exc. Would make a lot of games more exciting. Also, imagine if RP players got into betting. Would be a gold mine for the admins.
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16.07.2014 în AW has some problems.
If only Greece had a dollar for every thread waffel made about mods and the shitty state of atwar,..
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15.07.2014 în Worldgames ruined.
Eh, my biggest issue is what happens 10-15 turns into a world game. If I fought and killed 3 people in asia, I'm left with minimal units that can't face the incoming waves of 50-200 unit stacks from those who have expanded those 10-15 units instead of fighting. This can't be directly blamed on allyfagging. Sometimes there really is nobody to fight. Sometimes people in the same continent as you quit before you have the chance to fight. Sometimes people had noobs that were easily run over instead of having to face stronger players. The only viable solution I can think of is expanding the maximum amount of players to 30 or even 40, but keep this option for only world map. More players=more fighting=balanced unit count.
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13.07.2014 în Where is Auto Ban List?
Take down the RPs please.

And yeah...mapmaker strike...wooooo.
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13.07.2014 în Where is Auto Ban List?
We are also patiently awaiting the implementation of the Lock game settings feature,
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Scris de clovis1122, 10.06.2014 at 21:06

Just think: Will you win a nobel for play this? money? no!. Then why play games if they suck time and they are wortless?

Because they don't get me hot bitches like Waffel and Spart.
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08.07.2014 în PoTM June '14
Everybody will vote for nobody as POTY just for the lolz now.
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